Korea TESOL Journal 19-1
October 1, 2023 Download Korea TESOL JournalVolume 19, Number 1
Table of Contents.
William Littlewood
— Writing and Reading: A Joint Journey Through Ideas (p. 3)
Jack Arkell
— Assessing the Effectiveness of Flashcard Applications in Korean University EFL Classrooms (p. 17)
Lynsey Mori & Panachanok Chanwaiwit
— SELVES: Social Emotional Learning Virtual Exchanges (p, 37)
SuSie Park
— Perspectives of Korean Parents on NESTs and NNESTs (p. 59)
Chen Sun
— English Curriculum Report of a...
Korea TESOL Journal 18-2
April 1, 2023 Download Korea TESOL JournalVolume 18, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Thomas S. C. Farrell, Nicholas Moses
— “Class Is Like a Family”: Reflections of an Experienced Canadian TESOL Teacher (p. 3)
Sun Young Park
— Teacher Efficacy Development Among Pre-service Teachers, Implications for the Korean Context and KOTESOL (p. 27)
Nicolas E. Caballero, Meghan Yu
— Using Self-Determination Theory to Examine Motivations of Korean EFL College Students Informed by Korean Studies (p. 45)
Le Yao
— ...
Korea TESOL Journal 18-1
October 1, 2022 Download Korea TESOL JournalVolume 18, Number 1
Table of Contents.
Luis Javier Pentón Herrera & Gilda Martínez-Alba
— Emotions, Well-Being, and Language Teacher Identity Development in an EFL Teacher Preparation Program (p. 3)
Warren Merkel & Scott Findlay
— The Tensions Between English and Korean Language in Uzbek Students’ Academic Experiences (27)
David J. Sandeman
— Native-Speakerism in Japan: How Systemic Prejudice Impacts English Education Policy and Practice (53)
Robert J. Dickey
— Teachers...
Korea TESOL Journal 17-2
March 1, 2022 Download Korea TESOL JournalVolume 17, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Kurt Squire
— Emotionally Oriented Approaches to Game-Based Learning — 3
Xiaofang Yan, Eric D. Reynolds
— Academic Sojourners: Promises and Pitfalls for Chinese TESOL Graduate Students in Korea — 19
Andrew Griffiths
— The Introduction of AI Chatbots into Korean English Education: Global and Local Perspectives — 47
Geoffrey Butler, Michelle Kim, Susan Russo
— Building Communities of Practice in Adult ESOL Programs...
Korea TESOL Journal 17-1
December 1, 2021 Download Korea TESOL JournalVolume 17, Number 1
Table of Contents
Daniel M. Savage
— An Initial Examination of Korean Secondary Students’ Perceived Subject-Specific CLIL Efficacy — Page 3
Grant Eckstein, Sarah Miner, Steven G. Luke, Rachel Casper
— Reading Idiomatic Language: A Comparative Eye-Tracking Study of Native English Speakers and Native Korean Speakers — 41
Sean Eric Kil Patrick Gay, Cristina Tat, Chad Cottam
— Students’ Perceptions of the Extensive Reading Process in Terms of Translation Usage and Reading While...
Korea TESOL Journal 16-2
May 1, 2021 Download Korea TESOL JournalVolume 16, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Kay Hong-Nam and Susan Szabo
— Investigating Reading Strategy Use: Korean University EFL Students in anIntensive English Program
Issam Rian
— A Theoretical Perspective on the Status of Flow in SLA
Mik Fanguy, Jamie Costley, Philip Rose, and Kyungmee Lee
— Using Online Lectures to Solve Real-World Learning Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tory S. Thorkelson
— Online Versus Remote Learning: Past, Present, and Potential Future
Korea TESOL Journal 16-1
August 1, 2020 DownloadKorea TESOL Journal
Volume 16, Number 1
Table of Contents.
Andrew D. Cohen
– What Native and Nonnative Teachers Report About Their Pragmatics Instruction
Kevin Kester, Loughlin Sweeney, Cindy Chang, Mel Watkins, & Jeongmin Cha
– Decolonizing Higher Education: Practical Examples from International and Intercultural Educators in Korea
Christopher Samuell & Mike Smith
– A Critical Comparative Analysis of Post-global English Language Education: The Cases of Korea and Japan
Jessica Lee
Korea TESOL Journal 15-2
January 31, 2020 DownloadKorea TESOL Journal
Volume 15, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Michael D. Smith
A Bourdieusian Interpretation of English Language Learning: The Case of Korea
23 ㅡ Mikyoung Lee
Achievement Emotions in Foreign Language Learning Between German and
Korean Students
45 ㅡ F. Scott Walters
An Examination of a CA-Informed Test of L2 Oral Pragmatics
83 ㅡ Esther Ahn
Can Teachers Thrive at Hagwons? Challenges and Possibilities in Private Language Schools in South Korea
101 ㅡ Carol Rinnert...
Korea TESOL Journal 15-1
December 1, 2019 Download .Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 15, Number 1
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Scott Miles & Buseon Song
Happiness and the L2 Writer: The Effect of Positive Psychology Writing Tasks on Second Language Learners
29 ㅡ Luke Gertenbach
Towards Strengthening Korean EFL Learners’ Visions of Their Ideal Future L2 Selves
53 ㅡ F. Scott Walters
A Sociocultural Inquiry into AssessmentLiteracy Development of Veteran L2 Classroom Teachers via Standards Reverse Engineering
87 ㅡ Gregory Thompson
Redesigning Forums to...
Korea TESOL Journal 14-2
December 31, 2018 Download.
Korea TESOL JournalVolume 14, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Mikyoung Lee
Achievement Goals and Foreign Language Performance Among High School Students
31 ㅡ Andrea Rakushin Lee & Hwami Amy Curry
EMI in South Korea: Exploring Strategies to Overcome Challenges in the University Classroom
61 ㅡ Peter Burden
Student Views on Visiting Foreign Countries and Studying English Abroad in a Globalized Era
79 ㅡ Claire Cavanagh
“Of Course We Need to Have a Choice”: Does Agency Affect Perceptions of...
Korea TESOL Journal 14-1
September 1, 2018 DownloadKorea TESOL Journal
Volume 14, Number 1
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Michael D. Smith
Centre-Periphery Agency Dynamics During Linguistic Imperialism: An Investigation of Korean Perspectives
31 ㅡ Jeremy Slagoski
The Culture Learning of Sojourning English Teachers
61 ㅡ Jungyoung Park
Assessing Comprehension Difficulties in Reading Complex Texts: Lexicogrammar Analysis
79 ㅡ Ke Hyang Lee & Raqib Chowdhury
Factors Influencing Native English-Speaking Teachers Professional Practices in South Korean...
Korea TESOL Journal 13-2
December 31, 2017 DownloadKorea TESOL Journal
Volume 13, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Josiah Gabriel Hunt
The Transformation of Instruction: A Critical Analysis of Trends in English
Education in 21st Century Korea
25 ㅡ Kent Lee
A “the” or the “a”? L2 Learner Problems and Patterns
49 ㅡ Mark James
Investigating the Influence of Communication Practice on South Korean Secondary School English Students’Self-Efficacy
65 ㅡ Mikyoung Lee
Teachers’ Emotions, Self-Efficacy, English Proficiency, and Pedagogical Strategies
Korea TESOL Journal 13-1
December 1, 2017 DownloadKorea TESOL Journal
Volume 13, Number 1
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 – Kyoungja Oh & Diane Johnson
The South Korean National Curriculum for English: Problems of Transparency and Coherence
33 – David D. Miller
Linguistic Imperialism: A Korean Perspective
65 – Randy Green
Strategies that Promote English as an Intercultural Language (EIcL) in the Korean University EFL Classroom
97 – Colin Walker
EFL Motivation in Primary Education: A Case Study in Seoul’s Gangnam District
117 – Samuel Haskins The Effect...
Korea TESOL Journal 12-2
December 1, 2016 Download
Korea TESOL Journal 12-2
Volume 12, Number 2
Table of Contents.
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Steve Iams
Unpacking the Native Speaker Knapsack: An Autoethnographic Account of Privilege in TESOL
23 ㅡ Seullee Talia Lee
A Journey into a Multicompetent Self: An Autoethnography of an NNEST
47 ㅡ Kevin J. Ottoson & Paul A. Crane
Self-Selected Topics vs. Teacher-Selected Topics: The Impact on Writing Fluency
65 ㅡ Michael Craig Alpaugh
The Beliefs, Motivations, Expectations, and Realities of Native English-Speaking Teachers at...
Korea TESOL Journal 12-1
September 1, 2016 DownloadKorea TESOL Journal 12-1
Volume 12, Number 1
Table of Contents.
1 -- Kenneth Parsons
Korean EFL Students’ Perceptions of Pair and Small-Group Work
25 -- Patrick Travers
Student and Teacher Perceptions of Oral Corrective Feedback in an Korean University General Education English Conversation Classroom
45 -- Christopher Miller
Themes and Degrees of Reflection in Reflective Practice Sessions in the Republic of Korea with and without the Presence of Videoed Teacher Performance
67 -- Tory S. Thorkelson
Language Teaching...
Korea TESOL Journal 11-2
December 1, 2015 Download
Volume 11, Number 2
Table of Contents
1 -- Randon Sommars / Ken Beatty
Phatic Communion, Topic Selection, and Turn-Taking
13 -- Chris Hughes / Jamie Costley / Carter Peyton
Comparing Korean and Japanese Blog Writers to Native Speaker Norms: Over- and Underuse of Keywords
37 -- Lauren Harvey
“It Should Never Happen Again”: Writing Critical Reflections About Sewol
43 -- Jeffrey Horn
Jonny’s Obesity Problem: A Critical Case Study on Bullying, Root Causes, and Grim Outcomes
69 -- Chris Young
Korea TESOL Journal 11-2 Reviews Supplement
December 1, 2015 Download
Volume 11, Number 2
Reviews Supplement
Language Learner Strategies: 30 Years of Research and Practice
Andrew D. Cohen & Ernesto Macaro (Eds.)
-- Reviewed by Andrew Finch
Task-Based Language Education
Kris Van den Branden (Ed.)
-- Reviewed by Grace H. Wang
Novice Language Teachers
Thomas S.C. Farrell (Ed.)
-- Reviewed by Michael Duffy
Teaching Grammar Creatively
Gunter Gerngross, Herbet Puchta, & Scott Thornbury
-- Reviewed by Ksan Rubadeau
Language Policy,...
Korea TESOL Journal 11-1
December 30, 2014 Download
The Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 11, Number 1
Preparing Students for Transition: Challenges and Solutions __ (Sue Garton) Developing a Personal Theory of Teaching Practice: The Role of Reflection __ (Beverley Burkett) The New General Service List Version 1.01: Getting Better All the Time __ (Charles Browne) Square Approach, Round Classrooms: Adapting Communicative Language Teaching into a Culturally Appropriate Pedagogy for the Korean Tertiary EFL Environment __ (Conrad Brubacher) Students’ Perception of F2F TBLT and Smartphones to Enhance...Korea TESOL Journal 11-1 Reviews Supplement
December 30, 2014 DownloadThis Reviews Supplement to the Korea TESOL Journal 11-1 includes nine book reviews and one software review that were originally prepared for earlier publication. They are now available online (i.e., not part of the print version of volume 11-1). We hope you find them valuable.
ContentsBook Reviews
English for Specific Purposes . . . 255
By Keith Harding
Reviewed by Michael Duffy
Language Teacher Research Series:
Language Research in Asia . . . 258
By Thomas S. C. Farrell (Ed.).
Reviewed by Andrew Finch
Dialogue Activities:...
Korea TESOL Journal 10
October 1, 2011 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 10, Number 1
New Directions for Contrastive Rhetoric Research: Three Models of Classroom Application Involving East-Asian Students (Deron Walker) A Comfort Zone in Composition Classrooms: Harmonizing Personal Writing with an Academic Writing Approach (Adcharawan Buripakdi) Difficulty with English Passive Voice in a News Report: A Case Study of Malaysian Trainee Teachers (Su-Hie Ting) Learning Strategies by Indonesian Senior High School EFL Learners (Junaidi Mistar) Length Constraint as Task Demand:...Korea TESOL Journal 9
December 1, 2009 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 9, Number 1
Learner recognition of recasts: A study of the interaction of Korean learners of English with native interlocutors (Ji Hyun Kim) Strategic reading awareness of bilingual college students in an EFL learning context (Kyungsim Hong-Nam, Alexandra G. Leavell) L2 working memory and L2 reading skill (Minyoung Son) Does grammar teaching and feedback promote EFL learning? (Joara Martin Bergsleithner) The influence of extensive reading on reading comprehension and reading attitudes (Levi McNeil) An analysis of English...Korea TESOL Journal 8
December 1, 2006 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 8, Number 1
Integrative motivation and EFL learning in South Korea (Don Makarchuk) How people write differently: A comparative study of Korean and North American graduate students' writing styles (Seonmin Huh) A survey on the relationship between English language proficiency and the academic achievement of Iranian EFL students (Ataollah Maleki) Characteristics of learners who frequently and rarely focus on form: A case study of four ESL students in a college writing class (Alex Poole) Cunning perceptions: Japanese attitudes...Korea TESOL Journal 7
October 1, 2004 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 7, Number 1
Motivation: A key to successful reading instruction (San Kyeom Hwan) Promoting peace in the classroom (Andrew Finch) Cooperative action research: A developmental project at Shanghai Normal University, China (Pedro Luis Luchini) Process syllabus development: A study with university freshmen (Kevin L. Landry) The problems of Korean EAP learners' academic writing and the solutions (Eun-young Yan) Reading for comprehension: Moving from accuracy to fluency (Gerry Lassche)Reviews
Task-Based Language Learning...Korea TESOL Journal 6
October 1, 2003 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 6, Number 1
Promoting revision and development in L2 writing through a combination-based curriculum (Russell Arent) Drama techniques in English language learning (Brian Heldenbrand) Portfolio use and EFL learning and assessment in South Korea (Don Makarchuk) Reflective instruments for self-assessment in Korean EFL Classrooms (Andy Finch) Acculturation and the EFL/ESL hybrid: The optimal distance model revisited - A study from South Korea (Johnny O'Neal Cooper, Jr.)Reviews
From Input to Output: A Teacher's Guide to...Korea TESOL Journal 5
October 1, 2002 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 5, Number 1 Fall/Winter 2002
Interpreting conversational implicatures: A study of Korean learners of English (Jin Sook Lee) Teaching culture in the English as a foreign language classroom (Jean Kim) Looking at discontinuity in an Asian context (Linda Fitzgibbon) The problems of university EFL writing in Taiwan (Yueh-miao Chen) TOEFL preparation: What are our Korean students doing and why? (Michael Roberts) Needs analysis and ESP course content selection for Korean professors going overseas (Don Makarchuk) Institutionalizing...Korea TESOL Journal 4
October 1, 2001 Download
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 4, FalVWinter 2001
Reading skill development of an ESL student: A four-year longitudinal study (Sang Kyeom Hwang) Korean EFL students' acquisition of culturally loaded words (Mark Kupelian) Compensation strategies of Korean college students (Douglas Margolis) Korea explicit vs. implicit corrective feedback (He-Rim Kim, Glenn Mathes) Korean university freshmen's dictionary use and perceptions regarding dictionaries (David Kent) EAP in Korea: Working together to meet changing needs (Trevor Gulliver) Computer-mediated...Korea TESOL Journal 3
October 1, 2000 Download
The Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 3, Fall/Winter 2000
A problem-solving approach to the management of change in language education (Andy Curtis) Nonverbal communication skills in the EFL curriculum (Chung-Il Kang) Korean student exposure to English listening and speaking: Instruction, multimedia, travel experience and motivation (David D. I. Kim, Douglas Margolis) Web-based language learning in Korea: A pedagogical critique (Gerry Lassche) A study of goal setting for language acquisition in the ESL classroom (John Skye)Reviews
Collaborative Action...Korea TESOL Journal 2
October 1, 1999 Download
The Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 2, Number 1 October 1999
The effects of three learning strategies on EFL vocabulary acquisition (Cheongsook Chin) Asian EFL students in English content courses (Barbara H. Wright) A comparative study of attitudes towards varieties of English held by professionals and tertiary level students in Korea (Michael Gibb) Classroom English for enhanced student learning (Robert J. Dickey and Sang-Ho Han) 'Pedagogically correct' computer assisted language instruction (CALI) for the reading classroom (Louie Liviu Dragut) Testing the...Korea TESOL Journal 1
October 1, 1998 Download
The Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 1, Number 1 October 1998
Second language teacher development and Korea (Jerry G. Gebhard) The accuracy of interview data -- Tesing Oller (Matt Peacock) Student pronunciation -- a comparison of evaluation techniques (Peter E. Nelson) Teaching conversation skills more effectively (Graeme Cane) The Oral Placement Test (OPT) ten years on: EFL teachers constructing their own placement tests (Thomas Farrell)Book Reviews
Second Language Acquisition - Rod Ellis (Reviewed by Robert J. Dickey) Teacher Learning in Language...