Archive copy.
in association with the
Pan Asian Consortium of
Language Teaching Societies
invites you to participate in
The 25th Annual Korea TESOL
International Conference
"Why Are We Here? Analog Learning in the Digital Era"
21-22 October 2017
Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, South Korea
Pre-registration is now Closed.
Yes, you can register on the day.
The Conference App
Our theme is “Why Are We Here? Analog Learning in the Digital Era." In an age of user-controlled virtual-learning environments, why do people leave the comfort of their home to go to a large venue with hundreds of people they don’t know? So, will you be here? Why? This is your opportunity to tell us. The goal is to have an open discussion about the value of face-to-face events for teachers, academic institutions, and the ELT industry. Join us, have your say, share, collaborate.
Check the links in the "Menu" for conference details, and don’t forget to come back often as this information will be updated regularly.
First Try:
Registration FAQ
If they do not answer all of your questions please, contact us at:
Please note: This is the only channel for conference related communications. DO NOT contact Sookmyung Women's University (as they are not aware of conference details).
Pre-registration is now closed.
ㅡ Registration FAQ available HERE.
Conference Schedule
Extended Summaries
Major Conference Speakers
Plenary Speakers
Andy Curtis ㅡ TESOL Intl. Assn. / Anaheim University
Nicky Hockly ㅡ The Consultants-E
Featured Speakers
Glenda Rose ㅡ Texas A&M University
Ted O'Neill ㅡ Gakushuin University
Marti Anderson ㅡ SIT Graduate Institute
Chan Kyoo Min ㅡ Korea National University of Education
Mark Dressman ㅡ University of Illinois
Helen Slatyer ㅡ Macquarie University
Kalyan Chattopadhyay ㅡ IATEFL TTEd SIG / Univ. of Calcutta
Kathleen Kampa ㅡ Seisen Intl. School / OUP
Bodo Winter ㅡ University of Birmingham
Invited Session
Hyunwoo Sun ㅡ Talk to Me in Korean
Invited Panel Discussions
The Future of Face-to-Face Conferences in the Digital Era
Looking Back, Moving Forward: KOTESOL at 25
Information on Individual Invited Speakers and Sessions: HERE.