Important Announcement:
Yongin KOTESOL Chapter has merged with Suwon KOTESOL Chapter into the new Gyeonggi KOTESOL Chapter.
Please follow the link to be directed to our new page: GYOKO
The Yongin-Gyeonggi chapter of KOTESOL thank you for stopping by this webpage. We are teachers with a whole range of experiences. We work in a variety of settings. Our number one goal is to help you get the most out of your teaching. Join our efforts to truly live out our motto, "Teachers Helping Teachers".
We are confident you have something to offer. Be a presenter. Help us to organize. Promote and share the endless opportunities hosted by us or other chapters. Maybe you are only here for the "tips to help me on Monday". Yongin Chapter will help you find ideas, meet other educators, and enjoy a productive, memorable experience - one time or on a weekly basis!
"Maybe?": A message from James (Scroll to the bottom to see the video)
We encourage you to join the various opportunities throughout the Korea TESOL organization. Also, we are affiliated with TESOL, International; IATEFL; and numerous other TLA's (Teaching Language Associations).
2024 Calendar
Chapter events will be on second Saturdays for most of 2024. We are looking for presenters and facilitators. We welcome you to join us and consider being a presenter.
Events are defined as Workshops - Presentations - Activities - Discussion Sessions
Interested in presenting or social activities? Inquire by email: yongin@koreatesol.org
1) Sunday nights
Professional Topics & Casual Conversation - currently on hiatus
2) Monthly events
December 14 - Yongin Chapter Conference
November 10, Sunday - Review 2024 and Planning Meeting
October 19 - Pickleball Practice
September 7 - Workshop with Prof. Duane Henning (Yonsei University)
August - Summer Break
July 13 YoKo's Unofficial Family & Friends Hike
June 15 - Picnic and BBQ for English teachers, family and friends
May 18 - Teaching as Storytelling: Narrative Techniques for Engaging Education presented by Dr. Stewart Gray
April 13 - Spring Walk at Yongin-Giheung Lake
February 17 - Baduk 101: Game-Based English Teaching. Workshop presented by Daniela Trinks
January 20 - The Game is Afoot! Yongin Chapter Elections & Social Event
3) YoKo members' participation
2024 April 27-28 The 31st KOTESOL International Conference in Seoul
2024 October (11)-12-13 2024 KOTESOL National Conference in Gwangju
Meet the 2024 Yongin Chapter Executive
We are pleased to announce the results of the Yongin Chapter elections, with nine officers elected to lead us:
- President - Daniela Trinks
- 1st Vice President - André Jacobs
- 2nd Vice President - Christina Tsoy
- Secretary - Wesley Martin
- Treasurer - David D.I. Kim
- Graduate Student Representative - Martin Todd
- Undergraduate Student Representative - Joe Curd
- Member at Large - Greg Lewis
- Immediate Past President - James G. Rush, II.
Congratulations to all the newly elected officers, and thanks to everyone who participated in the election process. We also extend our gratitude to all executive members for their great work in 2023. May the new team continue our chapter's success from the last year.
The official podcast of the Yongin Chapter of Kotesol, hosted by Greg Lewis. Click on the icon below to meet a great lineup of KOTESOL key speakers and executives.
Contact Information:
- Interested in becoming more involved? Contact us now! yongin {at} koreatesol.org
- For more details about our podcast, visit the Yongin Podcast or our Archive Page. Questions or ideas? Please contact: Greg Lewis gslewi {at} gmail {dot} com
2023 Calendar - A Year-in-Review
Embracing Diversity: Relations, Research & Reflections
Yongin KOTESOL's overarching theme of 2023 is about getting to know and appreciate people of different cultures, ethnicities, socio-economic groups, ages, and abilities. It’s about keeping an open mind and being willing to learn to live and work together.
English teachers and expats in Korea are often isolated from the rest of the world in very real ways, but that does not mean we should ignore the struggles of the individuals around us - in our classrooms and communities, as well as the struggles of people in other countries.
- January 14 - Visit of the Yongin Immigration Support Center
- February 11 - Social event at a board game cafe
- March 11 - Workshop "Learning as Koreans to become Korean", presentation by Elspeth Teagarden Tanguay-Koo.
- April 15 - Workshop "Korean University Student's MBTI Obsession & Making it Work for you", presented by Rhea Metituk, followed by a Reflective Practice Session led by James Rush.
- May 13 - Presentation by Anika Casem, Social event: Members' Greet & Meet
- June 10 - Presentation "What Makes Reading Hard" presented by Joseph Curd, Followed by Family friendly BBQ
- July 15 - Social event in a cafe: Board games, professional networking & casual chat.
- August - Summer Break
- September 23 - Presentation & Discussion by Christina Tsoy: Navigating Life in Korea
- October 14 - Presentation: Rhett Burton; Discussion about National Conference
- November 11 - 2023 KOTESOL National Conference (Press Release)
- December 16 - Workshop and Year-End Party held at Myongji University
2022 Calendar - A Year-in-Review
- March 12: Wayne Finley conducts a workshop presentation. 1 -2 pm
- April 9 CHANGED to the 16th. See here.
- May 14 - Student Motivation with Brian Raisbeck
- June 11 - Doors open at 12:30. Program starts at 1 p.m.
- September 24th (4th Saturday!!) - Daniel Corks - 1 p.m. (IN-PERSON)
- Sunday, September 25th: National Council Meeting
- October 8 - What's Next? YOKO Networking
- December 10 - Partyx2 (Year-End and Year-Planning)
Social Media and Contacting Us:
The KOTESOL Yongin Chapter has a website at https://koreatesol.org/yongin
a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/yonginKOTESOL and a FB group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/600883756592226/.
In addition, the chapter can be reached at the following email address:
Yongin Chapter Official: yongin (at) koreatesol (dot) org
For Presenters and Guest Speakers please contact Yongin Chapter.
We look forward to seeing you!
We are thankful for your contributions so far! Our sessions have been engaging and productive.
대한영어교육학회 (KOTESOL) 경기-용인지부는 용인 및 경기도 지역의 원어민 및 한국인 EFL 교사들을 위한모임입니다.
용인 챕터의 공식 일정(Workshops, Presentations, Activities, Discussion Sessions)은 매월 토요일에 있습니다. 보통 2시간 ~ 3시간 정도 진행되나 주제나, 이벤트의 종류, 질의 시간에 따라 길어질 수도 있습니다.
2023년에는 매주 월요일 저녁 8시에 Zoom을 통한 온라인 미팅을 진행합니다. 온라인 미팅은 두시간 동안만 진행하였습니다.
발표자 및 챕터 일을 도와 주실 분이 계시다면 언제든 환영합니다. 관심있으신 분은 이메일로 연락주세요. yongin@koreatesol.org
* 워크샵 일정: 토요일 1시 30분에서 5시까지이며 발표 주제, 질의 시간에 따라 최대 30분 정도 연장될 수도 있음
- 1시 30분 ~ 2시: 커피와 함께 친목 도모
- 2시 ~ 5시: 워크샵 및 질의 시간
* 월별 워크샵 일자를 참고해 주세요.
자세한 사항은 용인 KOTESOL 페이스북 페이지를 방문해 보세요!
페이지: https://koreatesol.org/yongin
그룹: https://www.facebook.com/groups/600883756592226/
페이지: www.facebook.com/yonginKOTESOL
이메일 문의: Yongin Chapter
여러분의 참여를 기다립니다!
"모두에게" THANK YOUs!! 고맙습니다!!