Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 14, Number 1
Table of Contents
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Michael D. Smith
Centre-Periphery Agency Dynamics During Linguistic Imperialism: An Investigation of Korean Perspectives
31 ㅡ Jeremy Slagoski
The Culture Learning of Sojourning English Teachers
61 ㅡ Jungyoung Park
Assessing Comprehension Difficulties in Reading Complex Texts: Lexicogrammar Analysis
79 ㅡ Ke Hyang Lee & Raqib Chowdhury
Factors Influencing Native English-Speaking Teachers Professional Practices in South Korean Primary Schools
105 ㅡ Andrew Garth
Relative Language Proficiencies in the Foreign Language Classroom: Native-Speaking Teachers, Students, and the Mother Tongue
123 ㅡ Adam V. Agostinelli
Korean EFL College Students in Foreign Contexts: A Second Language Identity Study
149 ㅡ Daniel Peña
Language Identity in South Korea: A Study on Student Perceptions of Their English Proficiency Within an EFL Context
181 ㅡ Md. Mahmudul Haque
Metacognition: A Catalyst in Fostering Learner Autonomy for ESL/EFL Learners
203 ㅡ Ngo Cong Lem
Does Exposure to L2 Facebook Pages Impact Your Language Learning? An Examination of the Relation Between Facebook Reading Experience and Foreign Language Development
229 ㅡ Claudia Yun & Yoohyun Chung
Use of Literature in ELT Facing the 4th Industrial Revolution: Suggesting Classroom Activities Through SF Novels, I, Robot and Bloodchild and Other Stories
247 ㅡ Seyyed Hatam Tamimi Sa’d, Katharine Hazel West, & Fereshte Rajabi
A Study of Iranian EFL Learners’Compliment Responses: Identifying Elements of Politeness Use and Instruction for the Korean Context
Book Reviews
277 ㅡ Colin Walker
Engaging Minds: Cultures of Education and Practices of Teaching (By Brent Davis, Dennis Sumara, & Rebecca Luce-Kapler)
283 ㅡ Elizabeth Lee
Assessing English Proficiency for University Study (By John Read)