
Present at the 25th Annual International Conference

Korea TESOL would like to invite you to submit presentation proposals for its 25th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference. The conference, this year held in conjunction with the Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC), is scheduled for 21-22 October 2017 at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul.  

This year’s conference theme is “Why Are We Here? Analogue Learning in the Digital Era.” The theme is intended to explore the relevance of face-to-face learning when technological advances have made it possible to create online and distance-learning options. However...

By Webeditor Media on February 24, 2017 - 4:39pm | 0 Comments | Media (Resources for) |Read more

Korea TESOL Journal 12-2 Online Now

The Korea TESOL Journal (Volume 12, Number 2) is now available online for reading and downloading by our KOTESOL membership ㅡ brimming with interesting research on ELT related to the Korean context. NNEST and NEST autoethnographies, NNESTs at hagwons, restructuring L2 teacher education, strategy training, principled eclecticism, and much more ㅡ ten papers in all, with three book reviews. View the table of contents and/or download your copy: HERE.

View all issues of the Korea TESOL Journal: HERE.

Print versions (hardcopies) of this volume will be available to members upon...

By Webeditor Publications on February 6, 2017 - 11:38pm | 0 Comments | Korea TESOL Journal |Read more

February 2017 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The February 2017 issue of KOTESOL News was sent the morning of February 5 to 1,961 subscribers. This issue contains calls for proposals for the 2017 National Conference, the Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter conference, and the Seoul Chapter conference, in addition to providing information about upcoming publications or events. Read, share, or subscribe here!

By Webeditor Membership on February 5, 2017 - 12:17pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Second critical reading group

We are setting up our second online critical reading group as of 26 January 2017. We will begin with Chs. 1-2 of All About Love (bell hooks). For more information, join our Facebook group or contact the SIG administrator (see Social Justice SIG Basic page for instructions).

By Webeditor_Sig Social Justice on January 18, 2017 - 11:20am | 0 Comments | |Read more

Call for Presentations: Gwangju Conference

Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter Regional Conference

Theme: Stepping Up in an Increasingly Connected World
March 11, 2017 at Gwangju National University of Education
CALL for PRESENTATION Proposal ㅡ Deadline: February 5th.

For more details:

By Webeditor Gwangju on January 6, 2017 - 12:53am | 0 Comments | Gwangju-Jeonnam |Read more

January 2017 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The January 2017 issue of KOTESOL News was sent on January 1, 2017, to 1,962 subscribers. Included in this issue are a New Year's greeting from the president of KOTESOL, details about our first vice-president's upcoming appearance on KBS World Radio, information about our publications, and more!

Read, share, or subscribe here.

By Webeditor Membership on January 4, 2017 - 4:43am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

David Shaffer Represents KOTESOL on KBS World Radio

In early December, Korea TESOL’s first Vice President David Shaffer went to Seoul for a KBS World Radio Interview.  He was there to represent KOTSOL in a taping of “Touch Base in Seoul,” a weekly interview show hosted by Yooree Kim.  During the interview, Shaffer answered questions about himself as well as about KOTESOL.  

Yooree Kim's interview with David Shaffer is scheduled to air on January 7th at 5:10 pm.  You will be able to listen to it online here.

KBS World Radio is the international satellite radio channel of KBS.   All of KBS World’s programming can be accessed via...

By Webeditor Media on December 29, 2016 - 10:18am | 0 Comments | Media (Resources for) |Read more

KOTESOL Directory

Merry Christmas!
As a present to you, KOTESOL provides you with a directory of KOTESOL departments and officers. It contains contacts for National Council members, National Committees and their chairs, Chapters and their officers, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and their facilitators, and more.
See for yourself: Select "KOTESOL" on the main page black-bar menu; scroll down to select "DIRECTORY"!
Or click on this link:

By Webeditor 1st Vice-President on December 25, 2016 - 12:27am | 0 Comments | |Read more

KOTESOL Proceedings 2015 Now Online!

In this volume of the Proceedings, we offer 19 papers, from KOTESOL International Conference presenters working in South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Laos, Taiwan, Vietnam, the UK, and the USA. They span the spectrum in variety. KOTESOL Proceedings 2015 contains articles on speaking, pronunciation, using L1, listening, writing, assessment, collaboration, drama, portfolios, the flipped classroom, and content-driven courses. And there are others on teenagers, online doctoral candidates, reflective practice groups, and what students dislike about teachers.

You'll love it. But don't take...

By Webeditor Publications on December 13, 2016 - 2:21pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Proceedings |Read more

Yongin KOTESOL Chapter Officers (2017)

The Yongin KOTESOL Chapter recently held its election for new chapter officers through Survey Monkey and onsite voting in the December 10, 2016 double workshop feature at Kangnam University. Here are the results:

Martin Todd: President

Duksoon Han: First Vice-President

Dongsook Park: Second Vice-President

David D.I. Kim: Treasurer

Katie Lim: Secretary

Stewart Gray: Graduate Student Representative

Youngseo Choi: Undergraduate Student Representative

Robert Kim: Immediate Past President

On behalf of the chapter, the officers will...

By Webeditor Yongin on December 11, 2016 - 5:02pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more

December 2016 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The December 2016 issue of KOTESOL News was emailed on December 2, 2016, to 1,962 subscribers. Highlights of the newsletter include details about the annual Leadership Retreat, the Winter 2016 issue of The English Connection, chapter year-end parties, and more! Read, share, or subscribe here.

By Webeditor Membership on December 2, 2016 - 8:44am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

TEC - The Winter 2016 Issue Now Online

You can begin your holiday reading in ELT now. The Winter TEC is here. Scoot you and your laptop over close to the warmth of the fireplace (or the space heater) and scroll through the pages of The English Connection. Read others' take on the just-completed international conference or get some pointers on how to better make out those final grades. Or maybe you want to begin with student-generated tasks, or native-speakerism in Korea, or speaking skill development through pecha kucha presentation. Or choose from much more.

Get started by chinking on

By Webeditor Publications on December 1, 2016 - 2:29am | 0 Comments | The English Connection (TEC) |Read more

Gwangju-Jeonnam Holds Chapter Elections

The following candidates were duly elected at the November 12th Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter's annual elections with Elections Officer Bryan Hale presiding.

--- President: William Mulligan
--- Vice-President: David Shaffer
--- Treasurer: Lindsay Herron

The term of office is one year (i.e., until the end of the meeting where elections are held next fall). 

By Webeditor Gwangju on November 13, 2016 - 1:36pm | 0 Comments | Gwangju-Jeonnam |Read more

November 2016 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The November 2016 issue of KOTESOL News was sent on November 4, 2016, to 1,960 subscribers. Be sure to check it out to learn more about November events, publication opportunities, a reminder about mailing addresses, and more!

By Webeditor Membership on November 4, 2016 - 6:56am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Call for Papers: KOTESOL Proceedings 2016

The KOTESOL Publications Committee is now accepting papers for KOTESOL Proceedings 2016. Submissions may be made by presenters at the 2016 Korea TESOL International Conference  based on presentations made at the conference.  Presenters making more than one presentation may make a submission for each.

Submissions deadline is January 15, 2017.
General guidelines (as PDF file) and additional information can be found here:

By Webeditor Publications on October 29, 2016 - 1:16am | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Proceedings |Read more

KOTESOL Apologizes for Comment by Presenter

KOTESOL supports non-discriminatory practices in English language teaching.  Recently, KOTESOL joined other TESOL organizations, and adopted 'TESOL International's Position Statement Against Discrimination of Nonnative Speakers of English in the Field of TESOL.' 

However, during the Korea TESOL International Conference one presenter (who will remain nameless) made an inappropriate comment during a session.  The comment, which was apparently intended as a joke, was offensive to some attendees and is not in line with the organization’s values.  KOTESOL would like to apologize to those...

By Webeditor Media on October 21, 2016 - 5:58pm | 0 Comments | Media (Resources for) |Read more

2016 National Election Results

By Webeditor Elections on October 18, 2016 - 10:12am | Reads | News
Nominations & Elections Committee

The 2016 KoreaTESOL National Election has now come to a close.  The results were tallied and announced at the Annual Business Meeting held this past Sunday at the International Conference.  

The 2017 KoreaTESOL National Council will include these elected members: 

1st Vice President: David Shaffer

2nd VIce President: Ingrid Zwaal 

Treasurer: Phillip Shrank 

Secretary: Christopher Miller 

IC Co-Chair: Kathleen Kelly 


By Webeditor Elections on October 18, 2016 - 10:25am | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

Extended Abstracts / Summaries from International Conference available

Available in PDF from 

By Webeditor International Conference on October 17, 2016 - 10:51am | 0 Comments | 2016 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

PAC 2016 in Taipei This November 11-13

As the typhoon season winds down, the conference season winds up, both here and throughout East Asia. This year's PAC Conference (PAC 2016 - the annual conference of the Pan-Asian Consortium, of which KOTESOL is a founding member) is in Taipei, Taiwan. Hosted by ETA-ROC (English Teachers' Assn., Rep. of China), it is one of the premier ELT conferences in this part of the world. Definitely worth your consideration.

We have more details at

The PAC 2016 Conference website is at

By Webeditor Calendar on October 16, 2016 - 11:15pm | 0 Comments | Calendars of Events |Read more

Represent KOTESOL at The 2017 ThaiTESOL International Conference

How would you like to represent KOTESOL at the 2017 ThaiTESOL International Conference? KOTESOL is looking for a representative and presenter for the 37th Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference, to be held on January 20-21, 2017 at the Ambassador Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of the conference is “ELT Pathways to Professional Excellence”.

There are a number of reasons why we send representatives to partner conferences. These include (but are not limited to): • fulfilling certain partnership agreements • learning about how other conferences and associations are run •...

By Webeditor Outreach on October 16, 2016 - 10:26am | 0 Comments | International Outreach Committee (IOC) |Read more

Coffee on Hand at the International Conference

Sookmyung’s coffee shop is closed on weekends, so KOTESOL is setting up its own café for the International Conference.  The café, located in Renaissance Plaza’s courtyard, and it will have coffee and baked goods available for purchase. 

For attendees who require more complex caffeinated beverages, there are some coffee shops and cafés just a short walk from the conference venue.  

By Webeditor Media on October 12, 2016 - 10:21pm | 0 Comments | Media (Resources for) |Read more

Program Book for the 24th International Conference Available Online Now

The program book for The 24th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference is now available online as a PDF.  Now, you can take your time perusing the schedule and abstracts before you arrive at the conference this Saturday.

To download the program book click here.


By Webeditor Media on October 11, 2016 - 12:13am | 0 Comments | Media (Resources for) |Read more

KOTESOL Welcomes New Domestic Partner

On October 8, 2016, KOTESOL signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Korean Association of Foreign Language Academies (KAFLA), formally welcoming another domestic partner into the KOTESOL family. The MOU provides a "framework for the two organizations to work together on issues regarding the development and enhancement of English education and understanding in Korea," including promotion of each other's events and organizations and the possibility of further cooperation.

Photo credit: Daniel Lee

By Webeditor National on October 10, 2016 - 9:57am | 0 Comments | |Read more


There are two types of votes open to current KOTESOL members.

1. Election for office

All members are encouraged to vote in the 2016 KOTESOL national elections. Online voting invitations were sent by email on October 1; current members may vote online (through October 13) or onsite at the International Conference.

Visit the elections/voting booth to review candidates' profiles and to vote. Candidates info is online at

The voting booth will be open on Saturday (10/15) from 10am to 5pm and Sunday (10/16) from 10am-noon. The...

By Webeditor National on October 5, 2016 - 4:46pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL |Read more

KOTESOL News: 2016 KOTESOL International Conference Edition Now Available

The 2016 KOTESOL International Conference (+ October 2016) edition of KOTESOL News was sent on October 5, 2016, to 1,930 subscribers. This issue contains detailed information about the 2016 KOTESOL International Conference, upcoming October events, recent KOTESOL publications, and other KOTESOL news. Read, share, or subscribe here!

By Webeditor Membership on October 5, 2016 - 9:09am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Get Oriented at the Korea TESOL International Conference

Conferences can be overwhelming, especially for first-timers.  In response, Korea TESOL is holding orientation sessions at this year’s International Conference.  The orientation is designed to help attendees get the most out of their conference experience.  Participants will learn how to utilize the program book, get an overview of the venue, meet important KOTESOL board members, network, and have the opportunity to win prizes.  

There are two orientations scheduled for Saturday; a 9 am session for the early birds, and a 1:30 pm session for those who prefer a later start.  The...

By Webeditor Media on October 4, 2016 - 10:39pm | 0 Comments | Media (Resources for) |Read more

Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting for Korea TESOL will be held Sunday, October 16th, 4-6pm in Gemma Hall.

More information available at


By Robert Dickey on October 2, 2016 - 10:36am | 0 Comments | KOTESOL |Read more

Save a Tree: Opt Out of Hard Copies of TEC!

Did you know you can opt out of receiving hard copies of The English Connection (TEC)? Just select "Don't Send (Postal) Mail" in your online profile ("My account" --> "Edit" tab --> scroll to the check box just below the "Postal Mailing Address Label" box): 


You'll still be able to access all issues of TEC online--even the most recent ones, as long as your membership is current.

Opting out of postal mail will not affect anything except TEC. KOTESOL does not send any other postal mail, except upon request. 

By Webeditor Membership on October 2, 2016 - 8:59am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

New Branded Item Debuts: Name-Card Cases!

The Membership Committee is delighted to announce the arrival of a new KOTESOL branded item: business/name-card cases! Available in five styles drawing on traditional Korean motifs, and laser-inscribed on the inside with the KOTESOL logo, these cases are a perfect, classy, classic gift--for yourself or others! The cases will debut at the 2016 International Conference, and cost just 10,000 won each. Limited numbers of each design are available, so get yours soon!

By Webeditor Membership on October 1, 2016 - 1:01pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Korea TESOL Journal 12-1 Online Now

The Korea TESOL Journal (Volume 12, Number 1, 2016) is now available online for reading and downloading by our KOTESOL membership -- chocked full of interesting research on ELT related to the Korean context. Student perceptions of group work, LTOs, ER and KSAT scores, custom-designed games, "contentious" video, and much more -- ten papers in all, with three book reviews. View the table of contents and/or download your copy: HERE.

View all issues of the Korea TESOL Journal HERE.

Print versions (hardcopies) of this volume will be available to members upon request, free of...

By Webeditor Publications on October 1, 2016 - 3:47am | 0 Comments | Korea TESOL Journal |Read more
