This month's workshop will feature a keynote presentation by Elspeth Teagarden Tanguay-Koo, who just graduated from graduate school at Yonsei University. Her focus will be on multicultural learners, see the abstract below. The rest of our time we will spend networking and discussing the implications for each of us as teachers, administrators, parents, multicultural individuals etc.
The face-to-face event is limited to 20 participants, so please register by March 9th.
Title: Learning as Koreans to Become Korean: Multicultural Learner Equity and Identity in Korean Supplementary Education
Speaker: Elspeth Teagarden Tanguay-Koo, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Graduate School, Yonsei University
Workshop Outline
This workshop will discuss how to promote equity and identity formation for multicultural students within the Korean cultural context, and will examine Kumaravadivelu's post method macrostrategic framework as a way to transform teachers' theories of practice and address Korean cultural dominance in order to support social integration for all students.
Workshop Program
2:00-2:15 Social time
2:15-3:00 Research presentation, Q&A
3:00-3:10 Break time
3:10-3:50 Small group activities on implications for educators, administration, parents
3:50-4:00 Workshop closure
Format: Primarily face-to-face (online option depending on interest)
Location: Kangnam University (see details below).
Registration by March 9: https://forms.gle/CvAhqd7Q69JB1i5v5
Through a century of difficult history and into the promise of democratization movements, South Korean classrooms have functioned as instruments of cultural idealism, suppression, and liberatory resistance to authoritarianism. They have been places where ideas of equity and Koreanness have been continually contested and formed as parts of a national ethos of belonging and cultural identity. But South Korea’s shift to globalization now means a large multicultural learner population must navigate within an educational context that wasn’t built with them in mind. While there are well-documented harms and challenges to equity and identity that culturally and linguistically diverse learners experience in Korean public schools, there is almost no investigation of multicultural learner or teaching experiences within supplementary private education, despite the fact that supplementary private education is a 23.4 trillion won sector in which these learners attend hagwons in significant numbers.
This study examined impacts to learner equity and identity formation that follow from hagwon teacher beliefs and practices. Specifically, B. Kumaravadivelu’s post method framework of teacher macrostrategies is applied as a rubric to quantify hagwon teacher practices as proxies for learner equity and social integration. A comprehensive survey instrument was constructed reflecting 8 post method macrostrategies to elicit post method classroom practices and perceptions from 50 Korean and foreign hagwon teachers working at 39 different private academy sites in Guro-go, one of Seoul’s most ethnoculturally diverse districts.
Biographical Profile
Elspeth Tanguay-Koo is a recent graduate of the World Masters in Language Teaching program jointly administered by the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education and the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University. She holds an MAT TESOL and Certificate of Gifted Education from the University of Southern California, and an MA Korean Language Education from Yonsei University. Her research interests include multiple domains: multicultural education, critical pedagogy, social-emotional learning, and epistemics within conversation analysis. She has experience in non-traditional modes of elementary teaching and learning (unschooling and homeschooling) and in social work across service levels supporting internally displaced people. Elspeth is originally from Portland, Oregon in the United States.
Location and Directions
Kangnam University Yongin, Shallom building
Address: 40, Gangnam-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
경기 용인시 기흥구 강남로 40 강남대학교, 샬롬관