- 1 p.m. Start
- Location: 2nd or 3rd Floor of Main Building, Kangnam University. See Menu.
- 2:30 p.m. approximate wrap-up time
- 3 p.m. Social Activity at Burgermelt. Website, location will be available.
New Adventures: Using Past Knowledge and Skillsets to Teach with Wisdom
Language instructors in post-secondary institutions are sometimes asked to teach content courses in their L1. A content course in the humanities can be adapted for non-native students; various frameworks exist and language teachers often do a smaller version on the scale of an individual unit or lesson, such as CBLT (Competency Based Language Teaching) or CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).
In this presentation, I present the scenario I was tasked with: to teach a technical course to first semester university students. The students are non-native and many are taking all-English courses for the first time. The course is business mathematics, and is a key first step to prepare the students for future math-heavy courses. The school is international, with 50+ nationalities and first languages represented. And the students are strong in humanities but not necessarily strong in STEM. In this scenario, what would you do?
I’ll present the solutions and framework I developed for the course, borrowing from language teaching best practices, and I’ll discuss the lessons I learned along the way and takeaways for other teachers in similar situations.
Intended academic content instructors at the university or high school level.
One of Yongin Chapter's regular guests joins us this weekend. A definite "friend-indeed" and all-around great guy: Daniel Corks joins us on in a face-to-face meeting on the 24th of September, 2022. 1 p.m. is the start time for the presentation and we will be having a late lunch/early dinner social time starting at 3 pm.
Notice: The date for this event is on September 24th.
(Due to the Chuseok holiday, which took place on the Second Saturday)
Check out his KTT-Profile page. Below are some of the other topics that Daniel loves to talk about during his presentations and workshops.
✦ Speaking ✦
Novel Pair Information Gap Activities for Mixed-level Classes (with a Wide Range of Language Ability)
Information gap activities come in all shapes and sizes, but I find these activities often are not especially engaging. Students may find their language skills put to the test, but not their other cognitive abilities.
Those same information gap activities, if done in Korean, wouldn’t be able to hold their attention. This is a principle that I try to hold myself to when designing materials: An activity should be engaging to students even if done in their first language.
In this presentation I’ll explain the basic structure I use to create simple activities. I'll also demonstrate with the attendees two of the more involved activities I’ve made. One focuses on reading and interpreting song lyrics, and the second focuses on remembering, describing and drawing faces. Suitable for teachers of all levels.
✦ Smoother Conversation Practice ✦
Life (or at least our tests) demands conversational speaking ability, so in class we want to give our students time to practice conversations.
I will demonstrate my approach to daily fluency building and exam practice as achieved with a set of carefully developed but easy to copy resources and techniques.
Intended for teachers of conversation classes with learners who are high school aged or older.
✦ Writing ✦
Is It Worth Your Time To Correct Students' Written Grammar Mistakes?
For teachers of L2 writing, correcting errors in students’ assignments is a part of the job that one learns to dread.
Participants will have ample time to discuss with each other and share observations from their own classes. Intended for teachers of writing.
✦ Technology Assisted Language Learning ✦
How To Use Google Classroom: For Beginners and Experts Alike
Do you use an LMS in your classroom? What exactly is an LMS, anyway?
Appropriate for any teachers who wish to use an LMS in their classes.
✦ Online Language Learning Should Be Easy and Free, But It’s Not (Yet) ✦
The term is over, but some of your students want to continue learning English on their own time. What do you tell them?
Intended for teachers of learners who are mature enough to engage in self-study. The resources can also be easily put to use by teachers in class.
✦ Grading and Assessment ✦
Quality, Effort and Improvement Based Grading for General Skills Language Classes
This presentation will expand on the rationale for this type of assessment and present specific techniques for doing so. Participants will be encouraged to share their assessment techniques with the audience as well.
Appropriate for teachers - independent of levels taught - who have at least some flexibility to set their own assessments.
✦ Second Language Acquisition Theory ✦
Popular Language Learning Beliefs vs. SLA Research
“How does language learning take place? How should languages be taught?”
SLA is a particularly jargon-heavy discipline, but this presentation will use everyday terms to discuss the relevant concepts.
Appropriate for teachers of all levels.
✦ Classroom Management ✦
Classroom Management 101
Managing your classroom isn’t fun. It’s the ‘eat your vegetables’ of teaching.
Intended for NSETs working in Korean public schools who have not previously received training on classroom management.