Yongin KOTESOL Starts 2024
“70% social and 30% business”, is the way host Seonyoung Park described her reasons for attending KOTESOL events. This year, there was actually quite a bit more business than usual. In past years the chapter has either held entirely “game” outings or nothing at all for the months of January and February. There is a keen desire by membership to keep momentum from 2023 alive and moving forward. Members, a couple visitors, and kids in attendance totaled over 20 by the end of the event. They all followed Teacher Park’s mantra and took care of business – the business of having fun. Regardless...
By Webeditor Yongin on January 22, 2024 - 8:56am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreMeet the 2024 Yongin Chapter Executive
We are pleased to announce the results of the Yongin Chapter elections, with nine officers elected to lead us:
President - Daniela Trinks 1st Vice President - André Jacobs 2nd Vice President - Christina Tsoy Secretary - Wesley Martin Treasurer - David D.I. Kim Graduate Student Representative - Martin Todd Undergraduate Student Representative - Joe Curd Member at Large - Greg Lewis Immediate Past President - James G. Rush, II.
Congratulations to all the newly elected officers, and thanks to everyone who participated in the election process. We also extend our...
By Webeditor Yongin on January 20, 2024 - 9:52pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Brings 2023 to a Close in Style - December 2023
On December 16th, there were conversations and laughter, seriousness and fun, as the Yongin Chapter held their last event of the year.
Members came from afar attended the event held at Myeongji University Campus (Yongin), Also some guests who attended the National Conference last month at Kangnam University (GiHeung-gu).
In all, 19 attendees heard from Joseph Greenwood and Nick Caballaro about Academic Publishing. This was very timely as Korea TESOL continues on a journey of seeing more professional writing by our membership. Then, Andre Jacobs helped to reintroduce the...
By Webeditor Yongin on December 17, 2023 - 8:06am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin Chapter's Year-End Workshop
Our last meeting of the year brought together 19 participants at Myongji University's Yongin Campus for a dynamic afternoon of learning, connecting, and planning. The event began with the lively introduction by our esteemed MC, Greg Lewis, who welcomed the audience with enthusiasm. Joe Greenwood and Nick Caballero then set the tone with a captivating presentation, skillfully demystifying the intricacies of academic publishing. The audience actively engaged, posing excellent questions and fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas.
André Jacobs announced the refounding of a special...
Yongin Chapter December 2022 News

On Saturday, December 10th, Yongin Chapter held a December Event bringing the total number of events to 8 for the year. Smiles and laughter were exchanged as some people hadn't seen each other since 2019, before the pandemic. The group discussed 2022, brought it to a close, heard about the incoming chapter leadership, and considered plans for 2023.
After general conversation and ‘coffee-catchup’, the group got started by sharing how they have experienced doing “Year-in-Reviews”. This was either as an educator in the classroom or practices as individuals in their personal lives....
By Webeditor Yongin on December 17, 2022 - 4:15pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin Chapter Elections 2022
Along with details to be shared by email, this is a public sharing of the positions and duties.
Duties of Yongin Chapter Officers and other jobs
as found in Appendix 1 of the Yongin Chapter constitution as of 2018
The Chapter Officers should attend monthly chapter meetings and special meetings and work as much by consensus as possible. All Chapter Officers should perform the following duties: they should attend to the business of the chapter; they should keep track of and submit changes needed to their own job description; they should make themselves aware...
By Webeditor Yongin on November 23, 2022 - 11:25pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreMondays with Yongin-Gyeonggi: What's Going On?
Monday evenings: a summary. This time online is a healthy balance of professional learning community discourse with ample opportunities for social sharing.
By Webeditor Yongin on October 3, 2022 - 9:46pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more
October 2022 News for Yongin Chapter: Mondays, Event, and Elections
What a great way to end September and now we look forward to October 2022!
The energy could be felt through the booming music at Kangnam University on Saturday, September 24th. This helped give the message of "things are almost back to normal". Yet, the September Event for Yongin Chapter was a journey of paradoxes:
Summary of our "late event". Thanks to Daniel Corks. See ya soon to Dr. Gray.
Mondays in October:
10/3 - Foundation Day (Myths and Values) - Discussions about What's Next for.....(each of us, the chapter, the organization, English education...
By Webeditor Yongin on September 30, 2022 - 8:29am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreJanuary 2021 - Let's Get 2021 Started!
January was welcomed with open arms and actually became a firm foundation for Yongin and other Chapters as our chapter and the organization embarks into the year of 2021.
On January 9th, the Yongin chapter held an "open-ended" and "unconference-like" event that invited attendees to contribute ideas in a lively session of dedicated educators. Everyone happily said 'see-ya-later-2020'! As a point of focus, the topic was centered around the version 2.0 podcast. (Which is looking for a name! Please feel free to email a suggestion!!) Other chapters also held events throughout the month...
By Webeditor Yongin on January 30, 2021 - 10:01pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more2020 Conference presentation info (Yongin KOTESOL)
2020 Yongin KOTESOL Conference presentations
(Details of further presentations will be added here shortly)
Presenter: Bryan Hale
Playfulness in Communication Activities: Investigating the Dynamics of the Korean EFL Classroom
Does playful engagement with communication activities benefit foreign language development? Can teachers leverage this? This presentation shares findings from an idiodynamic study into Korean high school students’ experiences of playfulness during English activities, and the relationship between their fluctuating playfulness and...
By Webeditor Yongin on November 5, 2020 - 9:53am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin Chapter Celebrates Highest Turnout at a Conference and Looks for Candidates

Designed. Cultivated. Showcased. The presenters and attendees at Yongin's annual conference were asked to consider their English Langauge Teaching (ELT) and Learning experiences. A driving question: Can we intentionally design these kinds of experiences? The regional conference was held on November 9th at Kangnam University, which turned out to be a beautiful fall day. Over 50 participants helped to make this the highest turnout in recent memory. To close the evening, a Bar-B-Que reception was held under the bright light of the passing moon. However, more important than the numbers, the...
By Webeditor Yongin on December 4, 2019 - 5:22pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreEnglish Language Fellow as Presenter and MOOC Opportunities
You may have met her at the International Conference of 2018, she's Patty MacKinnon. Currently she is with the U.S. Department of State as an English Language Fellow. Act now and know more about a wide range of valuable resources. She will be presenting at Yongin, and is open to work with you. Send her an email and tell her we sent you!
Let me be clear - no promises here! As I share this information, there's a possibility she may not be available. I think it (usually) goes without saying; but I just want to make sure it's known.
Moving on, she has shared her biography and...
By Webeditor Yongin on February 27, 2019 - 4:55pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Chapter Executive Officers (2018)
The 2018 Yongin KOTESOL executive officers were elected during the December workshop. Here are the results:
President: Stewart Gray
First Vice President: Roxy Lee
Second Vice President: Holly Harper
Treasurer: David D.I. Kim
Secretary: Dongsook Park
Immediate Past President: Martin Todd
Currently, the Yongin KOTESOL officers are preparing for the National Conference in May and are sure it will be a success with the help of all chapter members. More information will be coming soon concerning the National Conference and we hope to see you in a...
By Webeditor Yongin on March 6, 2018 - 7:26pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Chapter Conference (2017)
The Yongin KOTESOL Conference Committee announces the 2017 conference and following social gathering will be held on November 11th at Kangnam University, in Yongin City, Gyeonggi-do. This year's theme is "Language Teaching: Ideas and Activities".
The cost of attendance is a reasonable 5,000 for KOTESOL Members and 10,000 for non-members. Also, current students who are training to be teachers, especially those who intend to be language teachers, are encouraged to attend and will be admitted for free.
For further details, please see the information below, check out our Yongin...
By Webeditor Yongin on October 4, 2017 - 12:59pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Chapter Annual Conference Seeks Presenters (2017)
Yongin KOTESOL Chapter Annual Conference Seeks Presenters
Online Form Click HERE.
The Yongin KOTESOL Conference Committee invites presentation proposals for our 2017 annual conference, to be held on November 11th at Kangnam University, in Yongin City, Gyeonggi-do.
Our theme this year is straight forward: "Language teaching: Ideas and Activities"
WHO do we want to present?
We are looking for presenters to help us continue our tradition of engaging, insightful conferences at which teachers can develop their skills and pick up inspiring ideas that will...
By Webeditor Yongin on July 3, 2017 - 11:12am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL June 10 Workshop and Bar-B-Q (2017)

Yongin Chapter of KOTESOL continues in June with Second Saturdays!
On Saturday, June 10, come to “YOKO!” for a little bit of the regular and a little bit of the unusual. As with most workshop weekends, we will provide you with helpful information to take back to the classroom. We welcome Brian Raisbeck, who is coming to us from Seoul where he teaches high school conversation and writing. He will share about the usefulness of Kakao Talk as a tool in the classroom. Then, we will transition into an “unworkshop”. (That’s right, we don’t even have time for an “unconference”!) Bring your ...
By Webeditor Yongin on May 27, 2017 - 8:32pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreApril Chapter Meeting (2017)
Reading Skills and Strategies is the general theme of our April "Second Saturday in Yongin" on the 8th. We have two presenters who were just at the Seoul Chapter's conference in March. Danielle Ryder and Roxy Lee are perfect examples of "Teachers helping Teachers" with creative ideas, insights, and inspiration!
Location: Kangnam University, 2nd floor - Shallomkwon (살롬관) Building. Date and Time: April 8th, 2 pm.Presenter: Roxy Lee
Extensive Reading for Elementary School: Reflections and practical tips
Time: 60 minutes
Abstract: Extensive reading (...
By Webeditor Yongin on March 28, 2017 - 9:40pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin March Speaker (2017)
Date: March 11, 2017
Time: 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: Kangnam University, Yongin (2nd stop on the Yongin Everline! Just after Giheung)
Map - Google
Map - Naver
For more specific DIRECTIONS please see the menu links on the right side of this page or scroll down to the bottom.
Questions: Chapter President Martin Todd can be reached at 010-2424-5411 or his email, martinhtodd {at} gmail [dot] com
Presenter: Tim Yackley Title: Critical Pedagogy in a Post-Truth EraTime: 90 minutes
Abstract: 10 Tricks to Teach Critical Thinking and Media...
By Webeditor Yongin on February 26, 2017 - 7:34pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Chapter Officers (2017)
The Yongin KOTESOL Chapter recently held its election for new chapter officers through Survey Monkey and onsite voting in the December 10, 2016 double workshop feature at Kangnam University. Here are the results:
Martin Todd: President
Duksoon Han: First Vice-President
Dongsook Park: Second Vice-President
David D.I. Kim: Treasurer
Katie Lim: Secretary
Stewart Gray: Graduate Student Representative
Youngseo Choi: Undergraduate Student Representative
Robert Kim: Immediate Past President
On behalf of the chapter, the officers will...
By Webeditor Yongin on December 11, 2016 - 5:02pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Chapter November Conference (2016)
Call for Presentations for the Fourth Annual Yongin KOTESOL Conference
Practical Classroom Activities for Empowering Students
The Yongin KOTESOL Conference Committee invites presentation proposals for our 2016 annual conference, to be held on Nov. 12th at Kangnam University, in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. Our theme this year is "Practical Classroom Activities for Empowering Students.” We are looking for both experienced and new presenters to help us continue our tradition of conferences that are engaging, provide insights and develop skills that are of real value in the...
By Webeditor Yongin on August 31, 2016 - 5:50pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Chapter is Seeking Presenters (2016)
Yongin KOTESOL is one of the most active and fastest growing chapters in Korea. Right now, we’re looking for presenters to fill out our spring and fall 2016 seasons! If you’d like to give a workshop that will help us improve our teaching, send your proposal to Martin Todd, the Yongin KOTESOL'’ First Vice-President at by March 11th. We’ll get back to you quickly and we’ll be making up our schedule in mid March.
By Webeditor Yongin on February 27, 2016 - 7:54am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin KOTESOL Elected Officers (2015)
The Yongin Chapter proudly anounces its newly elected officers after balloting through Survey Monkey. During the December 12, 2015 Chapter workshop at Kangnam University in Yongin, the results were anounced. Here are the following new chapter officers:
Robert Kim: President
Martin Todd: First Vice-President
Angela Wu: Second Vice-President
David D.I. Kim, Treasurer
Duksoon Han, Secretary
Youngseo Choi, Student Representative
On behalf of the chapter, the officers will work hard in helping English teachers of various backgrounds,...
By Webeditor Yongin on December 18, 2015 - 5:49pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin Chapter November (2015)

Call for Proposals
The Yongin KOTESOL Conference Committee invites presentation proposals for our 2015 annual conference, to be held on Nov. 14th at Gangnam University, in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. Our theme this year is "Practical Classroom Activities: Arts & Technologies in the Classroom". We are looking for both experienced and new presenters to help us continue our tradition of conferences that are engaging, provides insights and develops skills that are of real value in the classroom.
If you, or someone you know would like to give a presentation or workshop that follows...
Cancellation of the June 13, 2015 Yongin KOTESOL Chapter Workshop and Barbecue
Due to the current situation in Korea surrounding MERS, the Yongin KOTESOL Chapter has decided to cancel the workshop and subsequent barbecue. If you know anyone else who was planning to attend, please let them know. We look forward to seeing you all of you at our next "Back to School" event on September 12, 2015 from 2PM to 4PM.
By Webeditor Yongin on June 8, 2015 - 11:25pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more
Yongin Chapter's Newly Elected Officers
The Yongin Chapter proudly anounces its newly elected officers after balloting through Survey Monkey and during the December 13, 2014 Chapter workshop at Kangnam University in Yongin.Here are the following new chapter officers:
President: Karlene Blackburn
First Vice-President: Martin Todd
Second Vice-President: Lauren SJ Choi
Treasurer: David D.I. Kim
Secretary: Alaric Naude
Student Representative: Angela Wu
On behalf of the chapter, the officers will work hard in helping English teachers of various backgrounds, expereinces, and grade...
By Webeditor Yongin on December 13, 2014 - 10:28pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreNominations for Yongin Chapter Officers
The Yongin Chapter is looking for potential registered members who are interested in running for the following chapter officer positions: president, first vice-president, second vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and student representative. If you are interested, please contact Martin Todd at by this Saturday, November 22 at midnight! This is a wonderful opportunity to dvelop your leaderhsip skills as part of a growing and dynamic chapter!
By Webeditor Yongin on November 19, 2014 - 9:55am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreYongin November Conference

Saturday, November 8, 2014 - 12:00 to 18:00
Kangnam University; Shallomkwon Building (Rooms 301, 302, 303, and 304 on the third floor)Yongin, Gyeonggi-do South Korea
See map: Google Maps
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
The Yongin Chapter will hold its annual conference on November 8, 2014 (the second Saturday of November) from 12PM to 6PM at Kangnam University in Yongin, Gyonggido, Korea.
It will take place at the Shallomkwon Building (see the building image and Kangnam...
By Webeditor Yongin on September 5, 2014 - 7:43pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreKOTESOL Yongin Chapter Brochure

Join now and see what the Yongin Chapter has in store for 2014!
By Webeditor Yongin on February 26, 2014 - 7:21pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read moreNew Gyonggi-Yongin Chapter Officers
After elections for registered Yongin chapter members took place via through mainly Survey Monkey here are the results:
President: Robert Kim
First Vice-President: Martin Todd
Second Vice-President: Mario Podeschi
Treasurer: David Kim
Secretary: Karlene Blackburn
Student Representative: Ashly Minju
On behalf of the chapter, the officers will work very hard to assist our members and KOTESOL to provide outstanding professional development and networking for a whole range of English teachers who are:
native and nonnative.
From Suwon Station to Kangnam University, via Bundang Line and Yongin Everline Train