Archive copy.
Plenary Speakers
Andy Curtis
TESOL International Association / Anaheim University
- Opening Plenary Session
Confessions of an Online Instructor: Returning to the Classroom - Invited Second Session
Using Film in Class to Connect Languages and Cultures - Tea with the Speaker
Special Event: Casual Q & A session (By reservation only; details HERE)
Nicky Hockly
The Consultants-E
- Sunday Plenary Session
Is the Future Tense? - Invited Second Session (Workshop)
Going Mobile - Tea with the Speaker
Special Event: Casual Q & A session (By reservation only; details HERE)
Featured Speakers
Glenda Rose
Texas A&M University
- Featured Session
Analog or Digital? Making an Informed Decision - Invited Second Session
Why Even Online Students Still Need Human Teachers - Tea with the Speaker
Special Event: Casual Q & A session (By reservation only; details HERE)
Ted O'Neill
Gakushuin University
- Featured Session
How We Value, Choose, and Use Technology in Education - Invited Second Session
Importing Content and Language Integrated Learning to Japan
Marti Anderson
SIT Graduate Institute
- Featured Session
Why Are We Here? Critical Thinking, Teaching, and the Digital Era - Invited Second Session
Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Teachers and Students
Chan Kyoo Min
Korea National University of Education
- Featured Session
A Future Paradigm of English Education in Korea
Mark Dressman
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Featured Session
Informal Language Acquisition and Classroom Teaching: Complementary, Not Competitive, Approaches - Invited Second Session (Workshop; with Ju Seong Lee)
New Technologies (and New Uses for Old Technologies) of English Education
Helen Slatyer
Macquarie University
- Featured Session
Advances in Listening Research and the Implications for the Classroom
Kalyan Chattopadhyay
IATEFL Teacher Training and Ed. SIG / University of Calcutta
- Featured Session
Analogue Teacher Training for the Digital Teacher: What the Teachers Say and Do
Kathleen Kampa
Seisen International School / OUP
- Featured Session
No-Tech, Low-Tech, Active Teaching - Invited Second Session
Creating a Classroom of Success Through Music and Movement - Tea with the Speaker
Special Event: Casual Q & A session (By reservation only; details HERE)
Bodo Winter
University of Birmingham
- Featured Session
The Sweet Stink of Language: The Sensory Structure of the English Lexicon - Invited Second Session
A Manifesto for a Reproducible Open Linguistics
Invited Session
Hyunwoo Sun
Talk to Me in Korean
- Invited Session
Can You Really Learn a New Language Online?
Invited Panel Discussions
The Future of Face-to-Face Conferences in the Digital Era
Looking Back, Moving Forward: KOTESOL at 25
Main Conference Page ㅡ Conference Schedule ㅡ About the Conference ㅡ Pre-registration Page ㅡ "Tea with the Speaker" Sessions ㅡ