Closing Remarks from the Chair
The 27th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference is now behind us.
We had ~760 attendees and over 200 presenters, most of whom were from abroad.
We also raised more than 600,000₩ for each of the TNKR and KUMFA organizations.
As the international conference (IC) chair, I'd like to thank our amazing IC Committee, headed in various teams by our directors. They and everyone on their teams did such a stellar job. In alphabetical order:
Luis Caballero – Program Director
Wayne Finley – Publicity Director
Lindsay Herron – Registration Director
Mike Peacock – Guest Services Director, Food & Beverage Director
Sean O'Connor – Logistics Director
Dr. David Shaffer – Invited Speakers Director, Financial Affairs Director
Dr. Kyungsook Yeum – Venue Director
I'd also like to thank our IC co-chair, Michael Free, and our Conference Advisor and last year's conference chair, Kathleen Kelley.
I'd like to thank all of our invited speakers and our presenters, for providing us with an overflow of meaningful and unforgettable learning experiences.
I'd like to give special thanks to our KOTESOL National Organizational Partners Liaison, Robert Dickey, for his tireless work on behalf of the organization and organizational partners.
And deep appreciation to our sponsors for their support: Sookmyung Women's University, University of Birmingham, Anaheim University, Macquarie University, Oklahoma City University, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Sung An Dang/Cambridge University Press, Atama-ii Books, MM Publications Korea, Magna Cvm Lavde, mangoSTEEMS, EPIK/TaLK Teacher Training, A-Plus Dental Clinic, Costco, and the US Embassy.
Last but not least, my heartfelt thanks go to all the conference attendees, who made the wise decision to invest in themselves, and the future of the ELT field and profession, by attending the conference.
Best Wishes,
Grace Wang,
2019 KOTESOL International Conference Chair
Download Whova and enjoy the conference more!
Make the most of your International Conference experience with the Whova conference app. The app will allow you to scroll through the conference agenda, read session abstracts so that you can plan your weekend. The app also provides additional networking opportunities, interactive venue information maps and directions, "strands" to help organize a schedule according to your interests, and a chance to enter the conference photo contest.
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Membership Social at the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference
The KOTESOL Membership Committee invites all KOTESOL members to join us for an evening of camaraderie at the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference! On Saturday, October 12, from 6:15-7:15 p.m., a membership wine-and-cheese social will be held at Sookmyung Women's University, the conference venue. All current members are welcome, whether they're attending the conference or not. Light refreshments will be served.
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ㅡ Major Conference Speakers ㅡ
Plenary Speakers
Rod Ellis ㅡ Curtin University, Anaheim University
Andrew D. Cohen ㅡ University of Minnesota (emeritus)
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Featured Panels
Women in Leadership in ELT
Women in Leadership in Korea
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Featured Speakers
Thomas Farrell (Brock, University, Canada)
Boyoung Lee (MISOA, Korea)
Curtis Kelly (Kansai University, Japan)
Kara Mac Donald ( Defense Language Institute, USA)
Bodo Winter (University of Birmingham, UK)
Birsen Tutunis (Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey)
Stephen Ryan (Waseda University, Japan)
Heyoung Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Peter Roger (Macquarie University, Australia)
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Welcome from the Conference Chair
Hello and welcome to the website of The 27th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference!
I am very excited about the theme of the conference this year―Advancing ELT: Blending Disciplines, Approaches, and Technologies.
We are increasingly recognizing the very multifaceted characteristic of ELT. Applied linguistics is a diverse field in its own right, but no longer can some of the challenges faced by teachers in local contexts be met by scholarship limited to the applied linguistics field.
More and more, we’re learning that the best ways to engage students in English language learning are informed also by fields outside the traditional domains of applied linguistics, for example, culture, identity, education, and communication.
2019 Schedule Overview
The Full Conference Program Book is now available for download (PDF, 8.33mb) HERE.
The complete schedule is now available for download HERE.
Extended Summaries of numerous presentations are available HERE.
Saturday, October 12
8:00 – 5:00 |
Conference Registration |
9:00 – 9:45 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Invited Session |
10:00 – 10:45 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
11:00 – 11:25 |
Opening Ceremonies |
11:25 – 12:15 |
12:15 – 1:30 |
Lunchtime Break & Special Events |
1:30 – 2:15 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
2:30 – 3:15 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
3:30 – 4:15 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
4:30 – 5:15 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
5:30 – 6:15 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
6:15 – 7:15 |
KOTESOL Membership Social |
Sunday, October 13
8:00 – 1:00 |
Conference Registration |
9:00 – 9:45 |
Concurrent Sessions |
10:00 – 10:45 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
11:00 – 11:50 |
11:50 – 12:50 |
Lunchtime Break & Special Events |
12:50 – 1:35 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
1:50 – 2:35 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
2:50 – 3:35 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Featured Session & Invited Session |
3:45 – 4:00 |
Closing Ceremony and Raffle |
4:15 – 5:00 |
Korea TESOL Annual Business Meeting (ABM) |
This schedule is subject to slight changes.
KOTESOL Gives Back!
What is KOTESOL Gives Back?
Korea TESOL (KOTESOL) is pleased to collaborate with two other local non-profit organizations for a fundraiser during the 27th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference. In addition to over 200 professional development sessions at the conference, this year’s program will feature a new fundraising effort, KOTESOL Gives Back! We are hopeful this will benefit the Teach North Korean Refugees Global Education Center (TNKR) and the Korea Unwed Mothers’ Families Association (KUMFA).
You can find more information about this new initiative HERE.
Pre-registration for the conference is now closed, but you can still register onsite at the conference!
Onsite Registration Hours
Saturday, October 12, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 13, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2-Day Conference Pass Purchased Onsite
Members: 60,000 won
Non-members: 85,000 won
Undergraduate Students (with ID): 30,000 won
1-Year Domestic Membership + 2-Day Conference Pass: 110,000 won
Sunday-Only Pass
Members: 40,000 won
Non-members: 60,000 won
Undergraduate Students (with ID): 20,000 won
Please note: Onsite payment must be in cash. KOTESOL cannot accept credit cards.
Proposal Notifications - International Conference 2019
We have sent out Acceptance/ Wait-List/ Denial notifications for the 2019 International Conference. If you submitted a proposal, please check your e-mail. From time to time, our notifications get filtered into a Spam folder.
Promotional Sessions Applications Are Now Open
promotional sessions for the KOTESOL International Conference. The Deadline for submission is September 1st, 2019. Promotional sessions are only available to KOTESOL Organizational Partners. See more information about partnership here. (Please note: Submissions are now closed for regular concurrent presentations. This page is only for promotional sessions.)
-The 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference Committee