
Call for Submissions - Korea TESOL Journal

The Korea TESOL Journal (KTJ) is making a call for paper submissions. Although KTJ operates on a rolling submissions basis, we thought that vacation time would be a good time to put out a call.

Under KTJ's rolling submission system, manuscripts are reviewed as soon as they are submitted, and as manuscripts are accepted for publication, they will be immediately formatted by the editors for publication in the next issue with space available.

KTJ 15-1 has just been published online (hardcopies will be available soon), and there is still some space available in KTJ 15-2. We at...

By Webeditor Publications on December 27, 2019 - 9:15pm | 0 Comments | Korea TESOL Journal |Read more

Korea TESOL Journal 15-1 Online Now

The Korea TESOL Journal (Volume 15, Number 1) is now available online for reading and downloading by our KOTESOL membership ㅡ loaded with interesting research on ELT related to the Korean context. Positive psychology, ideal learner selves, standards reverse engineering, redesigning forums, close-reading method, and more ㅡ in all, nine research papers, a brief report, and a book review. View the table of contents and/or download your copy: HERE. (Remember to log in first.)

View all issues of the Korea TESOL Journal: HERE.

Print versions (hardcopies) of this volume will be...

By Webeditor Publications on December 27, 2019 - 12:48am | 0 Comments | Korea TESOL Journal |Read more

"Proceedings 2019" Call for Papers Extended: Jan. 31

Notice to All Korea TESOL International Conference 2019 Presenters

The end of the semester has arrived for many and the end-of-year holidays are here also. We think that this is a good time for a reminder about a submission from you to the KOTESOL Proceedings 2019, based on your presentation (or presentations) at our October conference.

A bit of good news: We have decided to extend the paper submission deadline to January 31.

Details for submission can be found at

Main Points:
ㅡ Accepting research reports...

By Webeditor Publications on December 26, 2019 - 12:22am | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Proceedings |Read more

AsiaTEFL Is Coming to Town!

The AsiaTEFL 2020 Conference will be in Korea next June, and Korea TESOL is collaborating.
This benefits KOTESOL members!
ㅡ KOTESOL members may submit presentation proposals without AsiaTEFL membership.
ㅡ Discounted registration fees at AsiaTEFL member rates.
ㅡ Saturday-only registration opportunity..

KOTESOL encourages members to consider submitting a presentation proposal to the AsiaTEFL 2020 conference. (KOTESOL members need not pay the AsiaTEFL membership fee to present!)

Call for Proposals

.Presentation Proposal Submission Deadline: Extended to...

By Webeditor AsiaTEFL2020 on December 19, 2019 - 9:18pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL - AsiaTEFL 2020 |Read more

Yongin Chapter Celebrates Highest Turnout at a Conference and Looks for Candidates

Designed. Cultivated. Showcased. The presenters and attendees at Yongin's annual conference were asked to consider their English Langauge Teaching (ELT) and Learning experiences. A driving  question: Can we intentionally design these kinds of experiences? The regional conference was held on November 9th at Kangnam University, which turned out to be a beautiful fall day. Over 50 participants helped to make this the highest turnout in recent memory. To close the evening, a Bar-B-Que reception was held under the bright light of the passing moon. However, more important than the numbers, the...

By Webeditor Yongin on December 4, 2019 - 5:22pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more

Welcome to the New National Secretary

The KOTESOL National Council is pleased to welcome Lisa MacIntyre-Park of Jeonju-North Jeolla Chapter as the new national secretary! The Council appointed Ms. Park to the position at its meeting on December 1, 2019, in Daegu, filling a gap in Council positions that had existed since the national elections last month. 

About Lisa MacIntyre-Park

Lisa MacIntyre-Park is originally from the Niagara region in Canada, but has spent nearly half her life enjoying living and teaching English in Korea. She graduated from Brock University with a B.A. (Hons) and B.Ed. (TESL), after which...

By Lindsay Herron on December 2, 2019 - 8:13pm | 0 Comments | |Read more

Now Seeking an International Conference Co-chair

Do you enjoy organizing events and coordinating volunteers? Do you have people skills, drive, and vision? Have you been a KOTESOL member for at least twelve months? 

Do you love the KOTESOL International Conference and want to see it thrive?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, please consider volunteering for the position of International Conference co-chair! The IC co-chair position is a two-year commitment: the first year is spent in the role of "co-chair," which primarily involves learning the ropes. The second year is spent as the conference chair, bringing...

By Lindsay Herron on December 2, 2019 - 7:26pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Committee Chairs Confirmed for 2019-2020

Please join us in welcoming the following committee chairs for 2019-2020:

Diversity Committee: Travis Frank
Financial Affairs Committee: Danny Jones
International Outreach Committee: Allison Bill
Membership Committee: Lindsay Herron
Publications Committee: David Shaffer
Publicity Committee: Wayne Finley
Research Committee: Mikyoung Lee
Technologies Committee: John Phillips

The Diversity Committee and Financial Affairs Committee chairs were confirmed by the National Council at their meeting in Daegu on December 1, 2019, while the...

By Lindsay Herron on December 2, 2019 - 4:25pm | 0 Comments | |Read more

TEC - The Winter 2019 Issue Now Online

What do you do on a cold winter day, when the elements outside deter you from going outdoors to go shopping, to go hiking, or from just going out?

ㅡ You pick up the latest issue of The English Connection to warm you inside.

The Winter issue of The English Connection (TEC) is now online. Relax within the warm walls of your cozy home and read what this issue of TEC has to offer: opposing views on culturally responsive teaching, teaching North Korean refugees, codeswitching, a review of the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference, and much more. Access it HERE.

By Webeditor Publications on December 2, 2019 - 12:20pm | 0 Comments | The English Connection (TEC) |Read more

JNJ KOTESOL's 2019 Wrap-up and Year End Workshop

Jeonju North Jeolla KOTESOL has had an outstanding year!

They were chosen to host the 2019 KOTESOL National Conference and really gave it their all; welcoming teachers from far and wide to experience excellent presentations to invigorate their teaching practice. 

In the spring, they treated us with workshop presentations by Sam Costa, Rachel Barker, Betsey Norman, and Ehean Kim. The presentations encompassed topics such as: classroom management skills, assessment as part of the learning process, project based learning, and fun ways to enrich vocabulary. 

Leaning into...

By Webeditor Jeonju on November 27, 2019 - 7:14pm | 0 Comments | Jeonju-North Jeolla |Read more

DC Chapter Year End Party

It's our Year End Party! We'll hold it in Ashley in Eunhaengdong (NewCore Department Store, 7th floor). All are welcome, but you must register as we'll reserve only enough seats for those that have registered. To register, please email We'll make the booking on the 11th, so make sure you confirm before then.

Address in Korean: 대전광역시 중구 은행선화동 3-14
Google Map:

We'll once again have a gift exchange- please bring a gift valued between W10,000 and W15,000.

After the gift exchange we'll go to...

By Webeditor Daejeon on November 17, 2019 - 2:24pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read more

Gwangju-Jeonnam Holds Elections

On Saturday, November 16, the Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter held its annual elections for president, vice-president, and treasurer. The results were announced by Elections Officer Maria Lisak:

ㅡ President: Bryan Hale
ㅡ Vice-President: David Shaffer
ㅡ Treasurer: Phillip Schrank

Additional chapter officers will be selected in the coming weeks.

The chapter's next meeting and annual year-end dinner will be held at Gwangju National University of Education on December 14. Details will be available soon.

By Webeditor Gwangju on November 17, 2019 - 1:24am | 0 Comments | Gwangju-Jeonnam |Read more

KOTESOL Service Awards Announced

Korea TESOL is quite fortunate to have so many members so willing to sacrifice so many hours of their time to the benefit of the organization. It is this service that makes KOTESOL strong and thrive.

Each year at international conference time, KOTESOL recognizes a number of its members who have contributed exceptional service to the organization.

At the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference on October 13, the following KOTESOL members were recognized for their service to the organization at the national level:

President’s Award

Lindsay N. Herron

By Webeditor President on October 29, 2019 - 6:32pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

2019 President's Award Conferred

The KOTESOL President's Award is KOTESOL's highest award for service to the organization. This year's award was announced and awarded at the Sunday plenary session of the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference at Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul. KOTESOL President David Shaffer presented the 2019 President's Award to Lindsay N. Herron.

Ms. Herron has been an exceptional asset to KOTESOL over the past year. While serving KOTESOL as immediate past president, she has also served as chair of the Membership Committee, registration director of the International Conference...

By Webeditor President on October 29, 2019 - 5:45pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

KOTESOL Patron Award Presented

KOTESOL Patron: Thomas Farrell

From time to time, Korea TESOL bestows the KOTESOL Patron Award upon a deserving person who has made exceptionally generous contributions to the organization over the years. This year the KOTESOL Patron Award, only the second in its history, was presented during the opening ceremony at the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference. President David Shaffer presented the award to Dr. Thomas S.C. Farrell of Brock University in Canada.

Dr. Farrell is an internationally renowned authority on reflective practice and inquiry, and was a featured speaker at...

By Webeditor President on October 29, 2019 - 5:13pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Thomas Farrell Reflective Language Teacher Award Announced

Inaugurated this year by the namesake of the award is the Thomas Farrell Reflective Language Teacher Award. The recipient of the inaugural award was announced at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference by Dr. Thomas S.C. Farrell and KOTESOL President Dr. David E. Shaffer.

This year’s award went to Yeonseong Park, who has been an active participant of the Gwangju-Jeonnam group of the KOTESOL Reflective Practice SIG since its beginning. Her reflective practice not only led to her becoming a better language teacher but also to her becoming a facilitator of...

By Webeditor President on October 29, 2019 - 2:55pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Research Paper of the Year Award Announced

This year’s Korea TESOL Research Paper of the Year Award was announced at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference in Seoul. The award recipient was announced by the Korea TESOL Journal Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Kara Mac Donald.

The award was presented to Michael D. Smith of Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, for his research paper “Centre–Periphery Agency Dynamics During Linguistic Imperialism: An Investigation of Korean Perspectives,” which appeared in issue 1 of volume 14 of the Korea TESOL Journal. Smith formerly taught at the Republic of Korea Naval...

By Webeditor Publications on October 29, 2019 - 2:15pm | 0 Comments | Publications |Read more

2019 Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter Elections

Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL chapter elections will take place at our upcoming meeting on Saturday, November 16. There are three positions up for election:

Vice President

This year's chapter elections officer is Maria Lisak, who can be reached by email at gwangjumaria at

Any current chapter member may nominate one person, including themselves, for each position. Candidates for chapter vice president or treasurer must have been chapter members for at least three months prior to nomination, and candidates for president must have been...

By Webeditor Gwangju on October 15, 2019 - 9:14pm | 0 Comments | Gwangju-Jeonnam |Read more

National Council Election Results

Thank you to all KOTESOL members who voted in the 2019-2020 National Election. 

Our newly elected national officers are:

Lindsay Herron, our new National President of KOTESOL! 

Bryan Hale as been confirmed as the First Vice President.

Rhea Metituk is picking up the mantle as Second Vice President.

Philip Schrank has been voted in to take on the role of Treasurer. 

Mike Peacok will be 2019-2020's Nomination and Election Committee Chair.

Congratulations to all incoming officers for 2019-2020!

Also, thank you to our outgoing officers!...

By Webeditor Elections on October 15, 2019 - 12:24pm | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

DCC November Symposium & Thanksgiving Dinner: Registration Now Open

Registration is now open, there are a limited number of seats available for the Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner that will follow. 
You can learn a lot from this event, as well as supporting other teachers!
Hope to see you there!

KOTESOL DCC November Symposium Committee


Event Page
By Webeditor Daejeon on October 14, 2019 - 7:35pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read more

Annual Business Meeting & Bylaws Proposal

KOTESOL’s annual business meeting (ABM) will be held on Sunday, October 13, starting at 4:15, following the closing ceremony of the international conference. Reports on KOTESOL’s past year will be given, and election results will be announced.

Also at the ABM, proposed amendments to the constitution and by-laws may be voted on. Prior to the submission deadline, we have received one bylaws amendment proposal with the requisite endorsements. It is being made available here to the membership to fulfill the 30-day advance notice requirement. Discussion of the matter and voting will...

By Webeditor President on October 10, 2019 - 3:08pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Elections (online Ballot invitations) 2nd batch sent

Invitations for online voting in the 2019 KOTESOL National Elections have been sent through Survey Monkey to 534* current members of KOTESOL. (1st and 2nd batches of invitations, second batch sent Saturday morning, Oct 5th.)

Online voting remains open until Friday, October 11th, at noon. Voting will reopen at the International Conference (paper ballots only, not online) Saturday 10am - 4pm and Sunday 10am - 2pm.

If you think you should have received an online voting invitation, but have not, please

check your spam folder, double check other email accounts just in case...
By Webeditor Elections on October 5, 2019 - 10:53am | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

KOTESOL Proceedings 2018 Now Available Online

KOTESOL Proceedings 2018 is now available online. This is a volume of papers submitted by presenters at the 2018 Korea TESOL International Conference held in Seoul in October of 2018. The volume contains contributions by our conference invited speakers as well as research session papers, techniques and activities reports, and workshop reports ㅡ 38 papers in all, nearly 400 pages altogether. We hope you will find within its pages much information of relevance to your research and your work situation.

The link is


By Webeditor Publications on October 3, 2019 - 4:26pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Proceedings |Read more

KOTESOL Revises Code of Conduct

KOTESOL approved its Code of Conduct for all KOTESOL-related matters, face-to-face and digital, earlier this year. At our recent National Council meeting on September 22, a slight revision was made of the third paragraph under the “At Face-to-Face Events” section of the Code.

Please familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct as revised and keep it in mind at all times. It is effective immediately.

Let us always be considerate of others and their opinions, whether at KOTESOL events or elsewhere.

The KOTESOL Code of Conduct, as revised, can be found HERE.


By Webeditor President on September 29, 2019 - 11:40pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Online Ballot Invitations Sent (1st batch)

Invitations for online voting in the 2019 KOTESOL National Elections have been sent through Survey Monkey to 471* current members of KOTESOL.

Online voting remains open until Friday, October 11th, at noon. Voting will reopen at the International Conference (paper ballots only, not online) Saturday 10am - 4pm and Sunday 10am - 2pm.

If you think you should have received an online voting invitation, but have not, please

check your spam folder, double check other email accounts just in case your email address of record for KOTESOL is not what you remembered; contact us at...
By Webeditor Elections on September 26, 2019 - 2:23pm | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

Members' Showcase at International Conference

Members can 'showcase' their publications or other works to their peers at KOTESOL! 

Show (and sell) your own materials in the heart of the action, alongside mainstream book publishers and ELT provider tables. 

Member's Special! Super-discounted display fee. Only members who attend the International Conference are eligible.

Contact Rob Dickey at *before Oct 3rd* to get your spot. You must be a current KOTESOLmember as of Oct 11 with a paid admission to the conference to qualify for this benefit.

By Webeditor KOTESOL Partners on September 23, 2019 - 2:12pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Partners & Sponsors |Read more

Extended Summaries of Conference Presentations Now Online

Eager to see what our 2019 International Conference has to offer in the way of presentations? Well, here is an initial peek. A number of our presenters have made the extra effort to prepare an extended summary of their presentation to be included in this publication of 30 summaries of workshop presentations, research presentations, poster presentations, and even an invited presentation and a "101" presentation!

Presentations run the gamut from picture books to chatbots, from Vygotshian perspectives to data-driven learning. Find it all HERE.

What exactly is an "extended...

By Webeditor International Conference on September 15, 2019 - 12:29pm | 0 Comments | 2019 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

Membership Discount: JALT2019!

Our friends at JALT have shared a special offer for KOTESOL members: a discount on pre-registration fees for JALT2019! JALT's 45th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition will be held November 1-4, in Nagoya City, Aichi, Japan.

3-Day (Full) Conference Pass Discounted Rates for KOTESOL Members:
Early-Bird Registration (available through October 1): 21,000 yen (normally 25,000 yen for JALT non-members)

For instructions on how to receive the discount on JALT pre-registration fees, KOTESOL members should email...

By Webeditor Membership on September 13, 2019 - 5:29pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Happy Chuseok 2019

Greetings at this special time of the year, Chuseok, one of Korea's most traditional and most important of holidays. Chuseok (a.k.a. Hangawi, Jungchu-jeol, and Gabae) is at once a joyous, thankful, and solemn period. Joyeous, in that it is a time to gather and spend time with family and friends. Thankful, as it is a time to give thanks for the "harvest" that the year has provided. And solemn, in that it is a time to remember family who have now passed but have made us what we are.

As the KOTESOL family observes this Chuseok 2019, let us enjoy meeting with family and friends,...

By Webeditor President on September 12, 2019 - 3:22pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

The International Conference Issue of The English Connection (TEC)

Dr. Andrew White and his team have The International Conference issue of The English Connection (TEC) online for review for the upcoming event.

Find it all HERE.


Dr. Andrew White shares:

“Read interviews with our plenary speakers Rod Ellis and Andrew D. Cohen. Additional interviews with featured speakers Thomas Farrell and Boyoung Lee. Articles by featured speakers Curtis Kelly, Kara Mac Donald, Bodo Winter, Peter Roger, and Stephen Ryan. And a lexical look at 27 years of KOTESOL...

By Webeditor International Members on September 4, 2019 - 9:13pm | 0 Comments | International Community |Read more
