Aaron Thomas Doyle
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Aaron Thomas Doyle, The University of Hong Kong
English language ability has traditionally been the advantage of English majors in East Asia, but recently, English alone is often not sufficient to guarantee a good job. This paper presents the findings of an 18-month interview-based panel study that explored this phenomenon's impact on students by investigating the L2 motivation of English...
Adam Murray
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Adam Murray, Miyazaki International College
I will report on primary research on the impact of listening anxiety on listening performance as measured by the listening section of a widely-used English proficiency test. Next, I will describe ongoing action research on the effectiveness of classroom activities that cover a wide range of bottom-up and top-down listening micro-skills. These activities have been used with low proficiency (...
Adam Turner
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Adam Turner, Hanyang University
The Socrative app is a response system that allows students to answer quiz questions from instructors in real-time using their smartphone WI-FI. Participants will learn by doing to experience exactly how Socrative can be used for the language classroom. These examples will enable participants to discover new possibilities for its use, even if they are familiar with...
Adelay Elizabeth Witherite & Jaron Fox
h3>KOTESOL International Conference 2016
(Concurrent Session)
Adelay Elizabeth Witherite, Gyedong Elementary School: Gimhae, Gyeongnam
Jaron Fox, Gimhae Foreign Language High School: Gimhae, Gyeongnam
This workshop features hands-on creative writing activities applicable to middle and high school (and high-level elementary) settings. First, we will compose written works by arranging prepared fragments of authentic language. This activity...
Aisha Sayidina
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Aisha Sayidina, The George Washington University
This study aims to investigate the patterns of attribution and reporting verbs preferred by Chinese graduate students when they integrate source materials into their research papers. Here, attribution refers to "integral" and "non-integral" citations, and reporting verbs signify the writers' authorial stance with regard to the source texts as well...
Aki Siegel
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Aki Siegel, Hosei University
This study investigates the authenticity of textbook topics in comparison to topics in English as a lingua franca conversations outside the classroom. Topics from 11 EFL/ESL textbooks and 37 hours of English conversations between Japanese and non-Japanese students from ten different countries were collected, categorized, and compared. Findings show a large discrepancy between the textbooks...
Akiko Nagao
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Akiko Nagao, Ryukoku University, Japan
The study reported here aimed to explore how 30 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) novice learners become experienced in terms of their English proficiency and knowledge in a genre approach in a language learning classroom through (1) modeling genre-based texts, (2) independent construction of a text, (3) peer analysis of learners' essays, and (4) written self-reflection on...
Alex Monceaux

(Concurrent Session)
Alex Monceaux, TIEP at Lamar University
A practitioner's active engagement in reflective processes can mitigate many challenges and vastly increase his/her knowledge base through seeking solutions to immediate, everyday problems. Teachers can gain professional knowledge and contribute to practice through active reflection, be empowered, see beneficial practices, experience identity transformations, and develop...
Alexander Nanni
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Alexander Nanni, Mahidol University International College
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is gaining increasing recognition as an effective and engaging approach to teaching. This presentation introduces the theory behind PBL and explains its integration into the curriculum of an intensive English for Academic Purposes center at a Thai university. The process of integration, which was based on classroom action research,...
Ali Roohani & Khadijeh Dayeri
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Ali Roohani, Assistant Professor, English Department, Faculty of Letters & Humanities,Shahrekord University
Khadijeh Dayeri, MA Student, English Department, Faculty of Letters & Humanities, Shahrekord University
The sources of teacher burnout and its relation to other educational and psychological variables have been less examined in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts. Thus, this...
Alicia Faith Enloe & Jessica Barraza
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Alicia Faith Enloe, Educational Consultant and Owner of SYNTICATE Educational Services
Jessica Barraza, Educational Consultant and Owner of SYTIVATE Educational Services
Welcome to Alicia-teacher's English Class where we'll play a game called "English-opoly" EVERY DAY from start to finish! Since it's our first day of school, I'm going to explain the rules and procedures for playing the game, so...
Amanda Maitland
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Amanda Maitland, Jinan Foreign Language International Centre
In the age of high technology and multimedia we are face with the challenge of making reading as "fun" and interesting as possible. Soft toy sacks offer the opportunity to make the reading experience come to life, it also provides the tools to consolidate the learning through literacy tasks and events connected to the readers used. The workshop is based on...
Amanda Maitland
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Amanda Maitland, Jinan Foreign Language International Centre
This is a workshop that focuses on demonstrating the theory of emotional literacy. Many classroom management techniques can be short term strategies to deal with fire fighting behaviour issues in the classroom. Emotional literacy strategies can be utilized at almost any age and offer a longer term solution. This workshop will demonstrate, and encourage...
Amy Ahn
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Amy Ahn, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Most teachers and students would agree that humour can make the classroom more fun, but how can teachers use humour beyond its function of entertainment? This workshop will highlight the importance of not only using humour to enhance any part of any lesson, but why teaching our students humour is essential if we want to improve their cross-...
Andrea Rakushin Lee
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Andrea Rakushin Lee, Konkuk University Glocal Campus
The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with an overview of the open-source Canvas Learning Management System and demonstrate how it can be used to promote 21st century learning skills. The workshop will focus on innovative activities and assignments to engage English language learners and enhance face-to-face classes. The primary features and tools will be...
Andrew Gallacher
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Andrew Gallacher, Kyushu Sangyo University (Japan)
The Internet has provided language research with a number of useful tools. This presentation takes an in-depth look at three online programs that are particularly beneficial for the study of vocabulary use in writing. The presenter will demonstrate how Tom Cobb's Vocabprofile, Mark Davies' BYU-BNC concordancer, and ETS' Criterion writing software have been used to analyze...
Andrew Yim
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Andrew Yim, Gahoe Elementary School, Hapcheon, South Korea
This project will examine the effectiveness of introductory writing classes for the growing number of ESL speakers who attending universities in the United States. Universities have started to create introductory writing classes to prepare these students for rigorous academic writing. For many ESL students, writing in their own native language is...
Anna Twitchell & Euan Bonner
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Anna Twitchell, Kanda University of International Studies
Euan Bonner, Kanda University of International Studies
The presenters have developed a collaborative game that acts as a framework for developing narrative discourse among intermediate-level non-native speakers of English. Two versions of this game were created for classroom use: an iPad version that uses virtual spaces and augmented...
Anne C Ihata
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Anne C Ihata, Musashino University, Tokyo
The research reported here examined possible connections between learners' vocabulary size, phonemic distinction ability, lexical access speed, and reading comprehension ability. It developed from an earlier study that found evidence which indicated a link between phonemic awareness and reading comprehension ability, but a weaker effect for vocabulary knowledge....
Anthony Marshall & Jack Ryan
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Anthony Marshall, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Jack Ryan, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Many universities in both Korea and Japan have partner relationships with overseas institutions and conduct activities such as study abroad programs, research exchanges and summer intensive language programs. However, to what extent do these relationships actually benefit students? The research described in...
Anthony Walsh
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Anthony Walsh, International Pacific University
This forty-five minute workshop intends on applying practical communicative activities which the audience will be able to effectively reproduce in their own classrooms. Taking advantage of Bloom's Taxonomy hieratical model to go further than conceptualize concepts, young learners will apply, analyze, synthesize and then evaluate their language discourse.
Traditional methods...
Bala Thiruchelvam & Jeonghyun Kim
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Bala Thiruchelvam, TESOL Sookmyung Women's University
Jeonghyun Kim, English Teacher Paekun High School
Secondary teachers often skip or reduce the writing section. This workshop uses examples from one Korean middle school English teacher's practices after completing an in-service teacher training program. In this teacher's previous practice, writing was restricted to only opinion based essays due to time...
Benjamin McBride
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Benjamin McBride, Dongguk University, Gyeongju
Sustaining a conversation in any language requires a combination of social and linguistic skills. Recently, I have been working with a curriculum that prioritizes the social aspects of communication rather than the linguistic ones. In essence, the curriculum aims to train students how to have an interesting conversation regardless of who you are talking to. In this workshop,...
Benjamin McBride & Wade Chilcoat
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Benjamin McBride, Dongguk University, Gyeongju
Wade Chilcoat, Pukyong National University
In many university English programs, students are assessed on their ability to carry out a conversation in English, a task that combines both linguistic skills and social skills. We noticed that Korean university students are often hesitant to share their ideas and experiences, which suggests social impediments to...
Boyoung Lee / 이보영 (Featured Speaker)

Featured Session - International Conference 2016
Second Language Teacher Education: Enhancing Teacher Training and Professional Development in CLTCommunicative language teaching (CLT) has been used for decades as the most reliable solution for ensuring that English learners become communicatively competent. However, the approach has not been satisfactorily implemented in Korea. In this country, teacher lectures dominate class activity, with little opportunity given to students to be engaged in meaningful communication. With the role of English teachers in ensuring active...
Brian Raisbeck
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Brian Raisbeck, University of Southern California
Classroom management goes beyond just a list of rules and punishments, though that is certainly a key aspect. In this workshop, participants will actively take a look at their own classroom management styles through the eyes of their students, their school, the culture in which they teach, and themselves. Participants will also take a look at their own classroom environment and see how...
Brian Rugen
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Brian Rugen, Meiji University
A ludic approach to student engagement in language learning refers to the incorporation of language play—both playing in and playing with a second language—in order to increase students' interest, attention, and enjoyment in classroom tasks. This presentation builds on the links between theories of playfulness and Csikszentmihalyi's notion of flow as a way of nurturing student engagement to increase...
Burcu Tezcan-Unal (Featured Speaker)

Featured Session - International Conference 2016
The Demands of the 2020 Job Market, Transferable Skills, and ELTThe competitive working environments demand our learners to be prepared for many skills that are significantly beyond accurate use of English and ICT skills. This workshop will focus on the transferable skills, which a new work environment will demand of our learners. By cultivating these skills, our learners can gain an advantage in the next generation job market. The session will open a platform to discuss and reflect on to what extent English classes,...
Calum Adamson
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Calum Adamson, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
One of the primary justifications for the utilization of realistic simulations in academic settings arises in the constructivist notion that learners build an understanding of the world, and the language needed to understand it, through experiences. The ACE Conference is an inter-university student conference, based in Osaka, Japan, that was designed to provide students with learning...
Cameron Romney
KOTESOL International Conference 2016(Concurrent Session)
Cameron Romney, Doshisha University
Making great language learning materials is not only about the content but also how that content is presented. Research has shown that visual design influences both student comprehension of the materials and motivation to use the materials. This workshop will offer some best practices regarding visual design with an eye toward improving student outcomes. Participants will learn some basic...