
Gwangju-Jeonnam Selects Officers for 2014-15

The Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter holds its annual elections for chapter president, vice-president, and treasurer each year at its November chapter meeting. An elections officer, Billie Kang (past chapter vice-president), was selected to conduct this year’s elections as set out in the Chapter’s policies and procedures. Elections were held at the Chapter’s November 8 meeting at Chosun University, and the results are as follows:

President: Dr. David Shaffer
Vice-President: Maria Neliza Lumantao
Treasurer: Lindsay Herron

The elected officers affirmed their intention to...

By Webeditor Gwangju on November 26, 2014 - 4:48am | 0 Comments | Gwangju-Jeonnam |Read more

New KOTESOL Job Board!

KOTESOL is pleased to announce the start of our new Job Board at We are starting today with a few posts, but our long-term goal is to create a place for employers to publicize jobs targeted at the dedicated and talented members of KOTESOL. There are numerous job boards on the internet, but we think many organizations will choose to post directly to our page in the future.

Since this is a new project, we ask for your patience while the Job Board develops. As of today, all posts are view-able by the general public. However, we reserve the right to...

By Webeditor Jobs-Board on November 23, 2014 - 7:05pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Job Board |Read more

Nominations for Yongin Chapter Officers

The Yongin Chapter is looking for potential registered members who are interested in running for the following chapter officer positions: president, first vice-president, second vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and student representative. If you are interested, please contact Martin Todd at by this Saturday, November 22 at midnight! This is a wonderful opportunity to dvelop your leaderhsip skills as part of a growing and dynamic chapter!

By Webeditor Yongin on November 19, 2014 - 9:55am | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more

Jeju Chapter Autumn Newsletter

By Webeditor Jeju on October 27, 2014 - 9:44pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read more

KOTESOL - English Expo 2014 Call for Presenters

The Korea TESOL Conference at English Expo 2014

A new mini-conference with the theme

The Power of Questions

Saturday, December 13, 2014 at COEX (Seoul)

We are now seeking exciting presentations focusing on the following areas:

The importance of questions in education The role of questions in ELT Questions and YLs Questions in MS & HS Inquiring minds Questions and testing (or Testing) Reading Questions at home Parental support in language learning Training teachers to ask the right questions Questions in L1 & L2

Submissions in other areas are...

By Webeditor National on October 19, 2014 - 3:06pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL |Read more

Jeju Chapter Makes Donation to Jeju Furey

Jeju Furey is one of the largest foreigner run, charity organizations on Jeju Island. Furey hosts two huge volley ball tournaments yearly with proceeds going to help families in need on Jeju Island.  They also buy, wrap, and deliver gifts to some of the orphanages every Christmas.

With Furey's October BVB12 Tournament approaching, the Jeju Chapter contributed to the raffle prizes, a gift certificate for pair of tickets our annual holiday dinner (worth 40,000 won).  

Mark your calendars:  Jeju Chapter Holiday Dinner, Saturday December 13, 2014.  Location and time, TBD.


By Webeditor Jeju on October 14, 2014 - 2:33pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read more

Jeju Chapter Elects 2014-2015 Executive Officers

The Jeju Chapter Executive for 2014:

President - Stephanie Nixon, Jeju-si

Vice President - Rachel Nickson, Jeju-si

Treasurer - Christina Geiman, Seogwipo-si

Events Coordiantor - Christine Gallagher, Jeju-si

Membership & Publicity - Nailah Rivers, Jeju-si

Webmaster - Nailah Rivers, Jeju-si

EPIK Teacher Representative - Position open.

TALK Teacher Representative - Position open.

By Webeditor Jeju on October 14, 2014 - 2:15pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read more

Special Event: From Explorers and Missionaries to Vagabonds and Potential Criminals: Two Hundred Years of Teaching English in Korea

Ten Magazine Book Club invites KOTESOL members to their October meeting on Saturday, 25th October, featuring very special guest Matt VanVolkenburg, who writes the highly popular, acclaimed blog 'Gusts of Popular Feeling'.

This event will be FREE for all KOTESOL Members. (Flash your membership card, or print out your profile from the KOTESOL website -

From the first-recorded English lesson in 1816 to Lee Myung-bak's promises of a "native speaker in every school,” English has played many different roles in Korea's history: from its use in Korean...

By Webeditor Membership on October 11, 2014 - 1:44pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Presenter's handouts, files, etc

Please be aware that presenters' handouts, visual displays, or other files are not shared through the website. You can contact the presenters' directly, most have included their contact info in the program book, available at

By Webeditor Conferences on October 10, 2014 - 11:01am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more

Call for Papers: KOTESOL Proceedings 2014

The KOTESOL Publications Committee is now accepting papers for KOTESOL Proceedings 2014. Submissions may be made by presenters at the 2014 KOTESOL - KAFLE International Conference based on presentations made at the conference.

Submissions deadline is January 15, 2015. General guidelines (as PDF file) and additional information can be found here:

By Webeditor Publications on October 9, 2014 - 8:35pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Proceedings |Read more

October 2014 KOTESOL News email newsletter sent!

The October 2014 issue of KOTESOL News, our email newsletter, was sent on October 10 to 949 subscribers. Read, share, or subscribe to it here!

By Webeditor Membership on October 7, 2014 - 9:51am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Changes to the constitution and bylaws passes

The proposed changes to the amendments to the constitution and the bylaws, as previously published, were voted on at the ABM and were passed. The amended version of both documents will be available online soon.

By Webeditor National on October 6, 2014 - 7:15am | 0 Comments | KOTESOL |Read more

Election 2014 Results

The results of the 2014 elections were announced at the ABM on the 5th of October, 2014.

The newly elected officers are:

1st VP - Lindsay Herron

2nd VP - Ingrid Zwaal

Treasurer - Phil Owen

Nominations and Elections Chair - Nathan Rice

IC co-chair - Jamie Carson

No person received enough votes as secretary so the office is vacant, awaiting an appointment by the National Council.

By Webeditor Elections on October 6, 2014 - 7:10am | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

Discounted Car Parking at Conference

Discounted parking pass can be bought for 20,000won per day at parking management company, Global PMCO, on COEX 1st floor near Hall A.

More info:

By Webeditor Conferences on October 3, 2014 - 7:07am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more

New ! ! ! Conference Munchies

There are numerous meal options around COEX. We will continue to update our Eats & Drinks page as information becomes available. Be collegial, Tweet your discoveries with #KOTESOL and @OfficialKOTESOL (and we'll try to update the webpage too!).

By Webeditor Conferences on October 3, 2014 - 6:56am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more

Voting 2014

The KOTESOL 2014 Election Details (Notice) is attached (link is below).

May we remind you that Results will be announced at the Annual Business Meeting Sunday, October 5th, 3-5pm, in room 307A at COEX.

By Webeditor Elections on October 2, 2014 - 5:26pm | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

Members' Social & Networking Event on October 4, 2014

The Membership Committee cordially invites all members to a Members' Social and Networking Event on Saturday evening during the International Conference! Before heading out to dinner, stop by and mingle with new friends, old friends, and the luminaries of ELT.

Saturday, October 4
6:15-7:30 p.m.
KOTESOL Cafe (outside Hall E)
COEX, Seoul

Wine, cheese, and other light refreshments will be served. 

By Webeditor Membership on October 1, 2014 - 12:44am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Jeju Chapter - September 2014 Workshop Review

“Games and Communicative Activities: Not Just Entertainment”

September 20, 2014

Do you incorporate games as part of your teaching routine?  Of course you do, we all do in one form or another.  The September workshop welcomed thoughts and ideas about effective strategies for keeping students engaged in all aspects of English Language learning with an emphasis on games and activities.  Presenter, Tory Thorkelson (BA, B.Ed., M.Ed. in TESL/TEFL), who has been a KOTESOL member since 1998, opened up by having us compare games and activities, with regard to the EFL/ESL classroom....

By Webeditor Jeju on September 30, 2014 - 10:28pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read more

Online Voting Update (2014)

Online Voting message sent today, To all KOTESOL current members with membership expiry date after Oct 1 (only current members as of conference weekend have voting rights) and who have not yet voted online -- This is a reminder that the 2014 National Elections has commenced.  Online voting shall cease at NOON on October 3rd, 2014.  If you have not done so, please visit to become familiar with the candidates' information. Several reminders may be sent up to October 3rd, 2014 to ensure that you receive your online ballot. Once you vote you will...

By Webeditor Elections on September 29, 2014 - 5:20pm | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

Pre-registration for the International Conference Has Closed

Pre-Registration has Been Closed.

Thank you for pre-registering!

If you missed the cutoff you may register in person at the KOTESOL -KAFLE Conference.

October 3~5 at the Seoul COEX Confentioin Center Hall E (3 Floor)

  Printer's glitch! You Win! Pre-registration for the 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference has been re-opened to SEPTEMBER 28th at 11:55.

(Because the printers didn't deliver the name-tag materials on schedule, our registration team isn't able to start producing badges. Since they aren't working, we thought we'd give folks more time to get their...

By Webeditor Membership on September 26, 2014 - 1:01pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more

"The English Connection," Pre-conference Issue, Now Available

The pre-conference issue of The English Connection, Fall 2014, is now available online for download. It may be downloaded by all who are interested in the 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference on October 3-5 at COEX in Seoul. See schedules of the highlights of the conference and of the pre-conference workshops. Read articles by two of our invited speakers (Long and Diaz Maggioli). Read interviews with three more of our invited speakers (Thornbury, Mahboob, and Angel Lin). Find out more about the authorities who will address our conference, and enjoy some of our regular features....

By Webeditor Publications on September 24, 2014 - 10:33pm | 0 Comments | The English Connection (TEC) |Read more

Pre-Registration Is Extended Until Midnight Tonight!

Pre-Registration Is Extended Until Midnight Tonight!
11:59 pm September 24, 2014


Pre-registration has been extended to allow allow those who missed the official closing  to  pre- register for the  2014 KOTESOL - KAFLE  conference. 

The deadline is 11:59 PM  September 24, 2014

After that you may still register on site at the conference.   

By John Phillips on September 24, 2014 - 2:52pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more

Conference Program Book

The Conference Book for the 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference is available for download in its entirety or in components from the conference front page. Abstracts. Biographical Statements. Extended Abstracts & Summaries. Plus download your own copy of the Poster!

By Webeditor Conferences on September 24, 2014 - 9:58am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more

VOTE: Online Ballot Invitations Sent (2014)

Online ballot invitations for KOTESOL 2014 National Elections have been sent to your officially registered email address. You may also vote onsite at the International Conference Oct 4-5.  If your membership expires Oct 31 or later and you did not get a ballot, contact

Official Candidate Statements are available at



By Webeditor Elections on September 22, 2014 - 1:07am | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

International Conference Timetables

Timetables for the #KOTESOL - KAFLE 2014 International Conference are now available.

Download a PDF version:

By Webeditor Conferences on September 21, 2014 - 1:06pm | 0 Comments | |Read more

2014 KOTESOL Elections: Candidates' Statements


Please find the candidates' statements (attached below) to help in your voting selection.  Online voting has commenced, and will continue up until the International Conference.  Depending on Emails being bounced back, and memberships being renewed/created, additional Email links will be sent out frequently.  Please, check your "spam" folders in the event your personalized link to vote was sent there.  If you have not recieved your online ballot, and your membership expires on/after October 1st, 2014, by September 24th, then please Email the committee at elections@koreatesol...

By on September 21, 2014 - 12:14pm | 0 Comments | |Read more

Website hints & updates

Did you know that the website has numerous shortcuts to help you?

At the top of each page will be one or more links to take you to group "home pages".

The black menubar that runs across the top of all pages has pulldown menus, and sublistings for many of those pulldowns. (The full menubar may not be available in mobile mode and on some smaller screens.)

New updates to the website are currently in progress.

-- The KOTESOL Webservices Team

By Robert Dickey on September 16, 2014 - 3:07pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL |Read more

September KOTESOL News Sent

The September 2014 issue of KOTESOL News was sent today to 854 subscribers. If you didn't receive it, if you'd like to look at past issues, or if you'd like to subscribe, please click here.

By Webeditor Membership on September 5, 2014 - 9:23pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Yongin November Conference

Saturday, November 8, 2014 - 12:00 to 18:00
Kangnam University; Shallomkwon Building (Rooms 301, 302, 303, and 304 on the third floor)Yongin,  Gyeonggi-do South Korea
See map: Google Maps
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 

The Yongin Chapter will hold its annual conference on November 8, 2014 (the second Saturday of November) from 12PM to 6PM at Kangnam University in Yongin, Gyonggido, Korea. 

It will take place at the Shallomkwon Building (see the building image and Kangnam...

By Webeditor Yongin on September 5, 2014 - 7:43pm | 0 Comments | Yongin-Gyeonggi |Read more

Elections 2014 -- The Nominees

The Nominations & Elections Committee is pleased to announce that nominations for KOTESOL National Elections 2014 have closed.

The candidates for offices for the 2014-2015 Korea TESOL term will be listed on the ballots as follows:

1st Vice-President:  Lindsay Herron
2nd Vice-President:  Ingrid Zwaal
Secretary:  (no candidate listed)
Treasurer:  Phil Owen
Nominations and Elections Chair:  Nathan Rice
International Conference Committee Co-Chair:  (no candidate listed)

Should you wish to run for office, or nominate another, write-in...

By Webeditor Elections on September 5, 2014 - 4:34pm | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more
