Articles by Webeditor Media
Teaching in a Time of Crisis and the Opportunities to Inspire Social Activism

This year began with a pandemic that seemed, at the outset, to be only located in Asia. By March, it became clear that COVID-19 was a pandemic. The world was not ready for it, but as infections spread, people did their best to tell uplifting stories: of people cheering health care professionals after a long shift at the hospitals; of people reading books to children; there are videos of people trying to make the best out of a frightening and difficult situation; and the world economy might even recover according to the president of the United States.
Then there were a series of...
What Every EFL Teacher Really Wants

What does every EFL teacher really want? That is a good question. A researched question. A question with emotion behind it. What do you as an EFL teacher really want?
Before we provide the answer to this question, why don’t you see if you know the answer? Think about it. What is the one thing that makes you excited in your teaching career?
Is it preparing a lesson? Is it attending a the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference in Seoul? Is it to stand in front of a class and engage with students? Is it to talk about language learning? Is it to connect with other...The 2019 International Conference Is Finally Here

The 27th annual Korea TESOL International Conference will be here from October 12-13, 2019. This year’s theme is Advancing ELT: Blending Disciplines, Approaches and Technologies. Andrew D. Cohen and Rod Ellis are the plenary speakers for the event. There are two featured panels: Women in leadership in ELT and Women in Leadership in Korea.
The featured speakers for this event are Peter Roger, Curtis Kelly, Bodo Winter, Stephen Ryan, Thomas S.C. Farrell, Boyoung Lee, Kara Mac Donald, Birsen Tutunis, and Heyoung Kim. The event will be held at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul. It...
Let’s talk about the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference

The 2019 KOTESOL International Conference, taking place between October 12-13 at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, will feature a presentation and workshop with Andrew Cohen.
A: My classes have been rather dull. My students are already dozing. They are complaining about their classes and the amount of work they have to do. It’s not even midterms yet and I keep hearing my students say that they are sick of English.
B: I think you need a breather. What are you doing between October 12-13?
A: I know that staying home is not going to help me. Why do you ask? Is there...