Let’s talk about the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference

The 2019 KOTESOL International Conference, taking place between October 12-13 at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, will feature a presentation and workshop with Andrew Cohen.

A: My classes have been rather dull. My students are already dozing. They are complaining about their classes and the amount of work they have to do. It’s not even midterms yet and I keep hearing my students say that they are sick of English.

B: I think you need a breather. What are you doing between October 12-13?

A: I know that staying home is not going to help me. Why do you ask? Is there a special event that I am missing out?

B: Well, listening to your classroom issues, perhaps you need some new ideas about how to approach teaching your students.

A: Now listen, B. We all know that teaching is all the same. There is nothing new under the sun. Learning is learning. There is all that fancy stuff on the web. People have their flashy apps and computerized lessons. I am old school you know. Students’ habits haven’t changed since I got my teaching certificate. All they have to do is memorize what I say.  

B: When was the last time you attended a conference?

A: The glorious year of 1998. Do you think I am old? Am I that outdated?

B: I don’t think you are old at all. I do think that you need a jolt of inspiration. On October 13th, Andrew Cohen is in Seoul. He is a retired scholar who has a background in teaching strategies and learning pragmatics. He will be presenting on technology and language learning.

A: That sounds exciting. Can you tell me more?

B: There is a workshop that explores how we can learn better with the tools we have today. Mr. Cohen is interested in the ways we can improve vocabulary, by improving both our learning strategies and the applications we use to acquire and practice new words. 

A: That sounds useful! Do you think my students would like my class more if I attend the conference?

B: It wouldn’t hurt to try and get more professional development. Also, it will be a lot of fun. Much better than watching movies all day.

A: I guess there is nothing else to do but attend the KOTESOL International Conference at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul between October 12-13!

Author: Cyril Reyes

After studying English and Philosophy, Cyril Reyes moved to South Korea where he has been teaching EFL for ten years. Currently, an assistant professor at Woosong University, Cyril Reyes’ research interests are in political theory, social justice and literacy education.