The Korea TESOL Journal is a refereed academic journal concerned with teaching English as a foreign or additional language and related issues. Past issues are available for viewing and downloading; however, the most recent issue of the Journal is currently provided to current KOTESOL members only. (Current members need only log in to their KOTESOL account to access the most recent issue, and to view the access link to it.) Recent issues become open access one year after their publication date.
Beginning in 2025, the Korea TESOL Journal will be an all-digital publication.
The current Korea TESOL Journal Call for Papers is available from the Call for Papers link in the menu on the right or click HERE.
General Information and Submission Guidelines
Additional information on submitting a research paper to the Korea TESOL Journal and guidelines for submission can also be found on the Call for Papers page.
The Korea TESOL Ethical Standards for Research and Publication are available HERE.
View All Issues of the Korea TESOL Journal: HERE.
(The most recent issues of the Journal become available online to non-members one year after publication.)
Complimentary Articles
Complimentary articles selected from the most recent issues of the Journal can be found HERE.
Obtaining Print Copies
ㅡ Print copies of the Korea TESOL Journal are free to members. Just email your request and complete postal mailing address to journal@koreatesol.org
ㅡ Non-members may purchase personal copies of the Korea TESOL Journal at 10,000 KRW (10 USD) per copy plus postage. Contact journal@koreatesol.org
ㅡ Institutional copies are 100,000 KRW (100 USD) per copy. Contact journal@koreatesol.org
Reader's Remarks
"By the way, your journal – I’ve just received for the first time – is well-organized and visually attractive with good quality paper. I’m very impressed! ... It just made me feel like "wanting to read" even though I had very little free time!!"
— Miori Shimada, Japan (International KOTESOL member, May 2021)
ISSN: 1598-0464