Attention Presenters! Looking for proposals for Nov 6 conference!
Jeju Chapter KOTESOL Conference Call for Proposals
The Jeju chapter of KOTESOL would like to invite presenters to submit proposals for our second regional conference. The conference will be held on Sunday November 6, 2016 on the beautiful island of Jeju. Come for the conference, stay for the sights!
Theme: Create, Innovate, Motivate
We want to bring creative, innovative, and motivating activities and teaching ideas to the small community of teachers on Jeju Island. We are looking for presentations that offer teachers new and creative tools,...
By Webeditor Jeju on September 6, 2016 - 6:31pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreCalling all presenters! The Jeju Chapter needs you for our upcoming Spring Workshop!
The Jeju Chapter is looking for a speaker to present at our spring workshop on Sunday, March 27, 2016 from 3 to 5 p.m. This workshop will be focused on new teachers to Jeju Island and Korea. We would like to hold a two hour workshop where we discuss Korean education culture during the first hour and practical review games and activities in the second hour. We are offering a 150,000 won stipend to help cover travel and lodging expenses. If you are interested, please submit a short paragraph summary of your presentation and mini bio to Jeju Chapter President, Stephanie Nixon, at jeju@...
By Webeditor Jeju on March 3, 2016 - 1:16am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter Elects 2015-2016 Executive Officers
The Jeju Chapter of KOTESOL held its annual elections on November 9, 2015. The elected officers for the 2015-16 term are as follows:
President - Stephanie Nixon
Vice President - Christine Gallagher
Treasurer - Leonard Castro
(For more information about the elected Executive Officers for the 2015-2016 term, please refer to the Executive Profiles.)
By Webeditor Jeju on November 9, 2015 - 11:00pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter - June Regional Conference 2015 Review
Jeju Chapter June Regional Conference
On Saturday, June 27th, 2015 the Jeju Chapter KOTESOL held it’s first regional conference themed, Blending Tradition with Innovation. It was hugely successful thanks to the wonderful presentations.
It’s safe to say that those in attendance got what they came for, as I certainly did. Presentations included Audio and Visual Projects for EFL Classroom (Tim Thompson), Evolved Pragmatic Tasks in the EFL Classroom (Damon Morelli), Kor-iculum: Integrating Korean Culture into the ESL Classroom (Jessica Bennett), Games in the ESL...
By Webeditor Jeju on July 4, 2015 - 4:39pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter - March 2015 Workshop Review

We all know that the internet is a major resource for information (and other things) on just about anything one can think of. With my Facebook feed continually updating with news and entertainment from around the world, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle of all that’s out there. This is also true for the resources available to teachers, new and old. With so many options to get and keep students engaged on learning targets, new teachers might have a hard time figuring out which tools are most effective in the EFL classroom. Well, presenter Lindsay Herron made that much easier on us...
By Webeditor Jeju on April 26, 2015 - 6:48pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter Conference Call for Papers

The Jeju KOTESOL chapter is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for our first chapter conference. The conference will be held on June 27, 2015 from 1-5 p.m. on the beautiful island of Jeju.
Come for the conference, stay for the sights! With summer in full swing, you'll want to take in as much of the natural beauty that makes up Jeju Island. With several gorgeous beaches that line the northern coast, presenters will be afforded the luxury of a choice between Hamdoek, Hyeopjae and even Kimyeong Beach. Head to the south of the island to see the remarkable...
By Webeditor Jeju on April 2, 2015 - 1:14am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter Autumn Newsletter
By Webeditor Jeju on October 27, 2014 - 9:44pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter Makes Donation to Jeju Furey
Jeju Furey is one of the largest foreigner run, charity organizations on Jeju Island. Furey hosts two huge volley ball tournaments yearly with proceeds going to help families in need on Jeju Island. They also buy, wrap, and deliver gifts to some of the orphanages every Christmas.
With Furey's October BVB12 Tournament approaching, the Jeju Chapter contributed to the raffle prizes, a gift certificate for pair of tickets our annual holiday dinner (worth 40,000 won).
Mark your calendars: Jeju Chapter Holiday Dinner, Saturday December 13, 2014. Location and time, TBD.
By Webeditor Jeju on October 14, 2014 - 2:33pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter Elects 2014-2015 Executive Officers
The Jeju Chapter Executive for 2014:
President - Stephanie Nixon, Jeju-si
Vice President - Rachel Nickson, Jeju-si
Treasurer - Christina Geiman, Seogwipo-si
Events Coordiantor - Christine Gallagher, Jeju-si
Membership & Publicity - Nailah Rivers, Jeju-si
Webmaster - Nailah Rivers, Jeju-si
EPIK Teacher Representative - Position open.
TALK Teacher Representative - Position open.
By Webeditor Jeju on October 14, 2014 - 2:15pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter - September 2014 Workshop Review
“Games and Communicative Activities: Not Just Entertainment”
September 20, 2014
Do you incorporate games as part of your teaching routine? Of course you do, we all do in one form or another. The September workshop welcomed thoughts and ideas about effective strategies for keeping students engaged in all aspects of English Language learning with an emphasis on games and activities. Presenter, Tory Thorkelson (BA, B.Ed., M.Ed. in TESL/TEFL), who has been a KOTESOL member since 1998, opened up by having us compare games and activities, with regard to the EFL/ESL classroom....
By Webeditor Jeju on September 30, 2014 - 10:28pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter - June 2014 Workshop Review

Lindsay Herron, a visiting professor at Gwangju National University of Education and Chair of the Membership Committee for KOTESOL, gave a very informative and well-received presentation on student-centered teaching to the Jeju Chapter of KOTESOL on Saturday June 21st. The presentation, "Yielding the Floor: Tips and Techniques for Student-Centered Teaching", had those in attendance working together in pairs and groups to analyze the true meaning of student-centered teaching and how to improve on their own student-centered teaching techniques. The workshop was followed by a group dinner of...
By Webeditor Jeju on July 23, 2014 - 2:18pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter - April 2014 Workshop Review

Bradley Serl, from Pusan University of Foreign Studies, lead Jeju’s Kotesol Spring Workshop on "Syllabus and Lesson Creation." Those in attendance were educated on facts and statistics of proven effective ways to teach ESL learners. One recurring theme encouraged teachers to let their students do the majority of the talking in the classroom, as every opportunity should be given to students for them to utilize the English language. Mr. Serl also gave tips in fluency building. A few of which are; speed reading, skimming and scanning, repeated reading and repeated re-telling.
By Webeditor Jeju on June 13, 2014 - 9:25am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter Elects 2013-2014 Executive Officers
The Jeju Chapter of KOTESOL held its annual elections on November 15, 2013. The elected officers for the 2013-14 term are as follows:
President - Erin Williams
Vice President - Stephanie Hennington
Treasurer - Christina Geiman
Events Co-ordinator - Alister Martin
Membership & Publicity Officer - Alexis Oesterle
Webmaster - Darren Foley
EPIK Teacher Representative - Harold Dale
(For more information about the elected Executive Officers for the 2013-2014 term, please refer to the Executive Profiles.)
By Webeditor Jeju on December 16, 2013 - 10:31am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreFarewell Wishes to Marlene Wilkinson!

The Jeju Chapter of KOTESOL would like to thank Marlene Wilkinson for her devoted contributions to the organization. She truly breathed new life into the chapter and we’re going to miss her.
Best wishes to Marlene on her next journey!
By Webeditor Jeju on October 16, 2013 - 10:38am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreThe BaRley Bowl Preyers : Jeju Chapter Members

The annual Jeju Furey Beach Volleyball Tournament was held on the 25th and 26th of May 2013 at Hamdeok Beach, Jeju Island. The Jeju Chapter was proud to contribute towards the sponsorship of team t-shirts for The BaRley Bowl Preyers: Ms Kendra Pugh, Ms Erin Pettinger, Ms Erin Williams (Jeju Chapter Vice President), Mr Jason Hiltz, Mr Harold Dale and Mr Bradley Ingram.
Early Saturday morning, the team arrived at Hamdoek Beach to strategize their game plan over a breakfast of Egg McMuffins and freshly brewed coffee. The team’s captain, Ms Kendra Pugh,...
By Webeditor Jeju on June 12, 2013 - 11:49pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreMarch Meet-Up

On Saturday 9th March, the Jeju Chapter had a lunch meet up at Harry's Pub in Jeju City. We welcomed two new faces to the fold, Hanna Baek and Jessica Bennett and bade farewell to our Publicity Co-chairs, Jessie Dishaw and Cynthia Loiselle, the publicicity role will be undertaken by Alexis Oesterle, Membership & Publicity Officer. Over burgers and fries, members voted on the Jeju Chapter logo,chatted about the upcoming April 6workhsop with the esteemed Sara Davila and ways to increase our membership.
Whilst we were reluctant to say farewell to Jessie and Cynthia, accolades were... By Webeditor Jeju on June 12, 2013 - 11:46pm | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJeju Chapter News
The Jeju Chapter welcomes two new office holders to the Executive team, Mr Alister Martin, Events Co-ordinator and Ms Alexis Oesterle, Membership Officer. Alister is from New Zealand and Alexis is from the USA. Alister has already organized a casual member meet up for lunch on Saturday 9 March in Jeju Si. We are looking forward to their fresh ideas, energy and persuasive abilities to up our membership numbers and make sure we are all well fed!
On the events front, the Jeju Chapter Executive has been in full swing preparing for it's first event of the year on...
2013 Jeju Chapter Executive
Kia Ora!
The Jeju Chapter Executive for 2013:
President - Marlene Wilkinson, Jeju Si
Vice President - Erin Williams, Seogwipo Si
Treasurer - Christina Geiman, Seogwipo Si
Membership & Publicity - Jessie Dishaw, Jeju Si
Membership & Publicity - Cynthia Loiselle, Jeju Si
Webmaster - Darren Foley, Seogwipo Si
Looking forward to a successful year! Contact us anytime:
By Webeditor Jeju on December 28, 2012 - 11:13am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreReport from the Very Special September 27 Workshop
The Jeju Chapter of KoTESOL had a very special workshop on Saturday, September 27, from 3:00-5:30 p.m. at the College of Education Building of Cheju National University's main campus. Mary-Jane Scott from Soongsil University in Seoul gave a truly dynamic and practical workshop on teaching presertation skills to learners of all age and ability levels in public schools, universities, and private academies. Mary-Jane called-upon her many years of successful teaching in Korea, China and Australia.
By Webeditor Jeju on April 3, 2012 - 4:04am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreAugust 9 Workshop/Meeting Report
The August Workshop/Meeting was held on Saturday, August 9, from 3-5 p.m. at the Foreign Language Learning Center, conveniently located near the KAL Hotel in Jeju City. The topic was ESL/EFL Teaching - Then and Now! Attendees viewed parts of "The King and I" and discussed ESL/EFL teaching in the past as portrayed in that amazing movie and in actuality at the present. Special thanks to our wonderful co-president, Peter Mazur, for guiding the discussion.
By Webeditor Jeju on April 3, 2012 - 4:03am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJuly 19 Workshop/Meeting Report
The July 19 Workshop/meeting was held from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Foreign Language Learning Center, very conveniently located in Jeju City. The topics included Chapter Bylaws, elections for vacancies, and a workshop on money and technology tips. Cal opened a gmail account that houses the activity sheets.
By Webeditor Jeju on April 3, 2012 - 4:03am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read moreJune 28, 2008 - Workshop/Meeting Report
The June Monthly Meeting was held at Cheju National University's main campus (in the Education Building) on June 28 (a necessary deviation from the usual 3rd Saturday schedule) from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Thanks to Lindsay Herron for presenting a very informative session that featured practical, effective, teacher-tested games to use with English language learners of all ages. It was fun and enjoyable. We also received a short report from the National Executive Council Meeting that was held in May.
By Webeditor Jeju on May 28, 2008 - 3:58am | 0 Comments | Jeju |Read more