Comprehensive Peace and Compassionate Communication to Achieve Our Aims

Jocelyn Wright (Mokpo National University, Korea)



Who we are, where we came from, where we are going, and why are important questions for us as educators to keep in focus as we teach. Doing so involves ongoing critical awareness, action, assessment, and compassion. In this workshop which adopts a peace perspective, we consider aims and aim achievement through a hybrid comprehensive peace framework and use compassionate communication as a model to guide reflection on and for action in the classroom.

KOTESOL Featured Workshop; In Person; 50 minutes

Peacebuilding / Peace Studies / Peace Linguistics

General Interest

About the Presenter

 Jocelyn Wright is an associate professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Mokpo National University in South Korea. She is an active member of Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL. Her interests include matters at the heart of the intersecting fields of peace linguistics, peace (language) education, and peace literature.