Photo Contest @ Conference

Join us for a fun photo contest.
Capture the KOTESOL Conference in a picture!
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what picture best describes the KOTESOL International Conference?
Korea TESOL will grant prizes to the two best images in the following two classifications:
Web-media (any digital resolution is acceptable, including older phone cameras)
Print-media (high resolution)
Bring your Camera! See more details -
By Webeditor International Conference on October 8, 2015 - 10:58am | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreConf Book now online
The Full and Complete Conference Program Book (192 pages) is now available for Download!
(Large file, 15.5mb!)
By Webeditor International Conference on October 5, 2015 - 10:21pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more
Sunday Service with Chuck Sandy at International Conference 2015
Join plenary speaker Chuck Sandy and the Christian Teachers SIG from 8:15 to 8:45 on Sunday morning in Room 322 for an ecumenical time of fellowship, prayer, reflection, and celebration.
There might also be some singing.
The service will be led by Chuck Sandy and is sponsored by the Christian Teachers SIG.
All are welcome.
Major Speakers at International Conference Details
Complete information on all major speakers at the KOTESOL International Conference is now available from
with specific pages for each speaker (including photo, biographical sketch, and sessions abstracts) and a single PDF document with abstracts and session times.
A single list containing all session titles, presenters, times & rooms is available from
(all information subject to revsion)
By Webeditor International Conference on September 27, 2015 - 4:38pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreConference Pre-Registration closes Sept 30
Quick Reminder:
You opportunity to save through pre-registration is available only through September 30th.
Don't delay
Register TODAY! for links to various types of registration.
By Webeditor International Conference on September 25, 2015 - 2:18pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreConference Presentation List (Preliminary) Now Available
Subject to late revisions (prior to conference book publication).
Sorted by Presenter Surname.
Additional lists will follow in days to come.
By Webeditor International Conference on September 24, 2015 - 8:19am | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreGetting Acquainted with... Boyoung Lee (이보영)

Lee Boyoung - Boyoung Lee (이보영) - is perhaps Korea's most-recognized English teacher.
She is also a featured speaker at the 2015 KOTESOL International Conference and English Expo
With years of TV-teaching experience, leading a major language education group, and as Professor/Head of Group at a major university, she is a leader in the field.
Get to know more about her!
Boyoung has produced a series of interview-videos for KOTESOL, with more to come!
See information about her conference sessions at...
By Webeditor International Conference on September 3, 2015 - 5:08pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreInvited Speakers at 2015 KOTESOL International Conference - Details Available

In addition to our amazing plenary speakers Chuck Sandy and Robert Murphy at this year's International Conference, we have a wonderful line-up of featured speakers to accommodate your ELT interests and concerns. Some are names that will be easily recognizable; others will be new names, but all will be presenting informative and inspiring presentations and workshops tailored for our International Conference attendees.
Find the details on our invited speakers and their presentations at:
Stay tuned to the conference page as more...
By Webeditor International Conference on August 27, 2015 - 5:09pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreConference -- Did You Know?
Archive copy.The KOTESOL International Conference and English Expo 2015 is something special.
The best from the past, plus some new features.
Invited speakers include Chuck Sandy, Robert Murphy, Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto, Glenn Stockwell, Boyoung Lee (이보영) and more
See the full list of major speakers and their sessions at
More information added twice weekly.
The English Expo is Korea's largest book/materials exhibition, KOTESOL is proud to partner with over 100 organizations to display the best in English...
By Webeditor International Conference on August 27, 2015 - 9:48am | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreSunday's Plenary at International Conference - Murphy on Inquiry-based Learning

Have you pre-registered for KOTESOL's annual International Conference?
Sunday's Plenary Speaker is Robert Murphy, a leading voice for neuroELT internationally. Co-founder of the International FAB (brain science) Conferences,. His plenary talk is titled "The Benefits of Inquiry-Based Learning".
Find more about Murphy's sessions at
See the list of all invited speakers and their sessions at
General conference information - including Pre-Registration - at http://http://koreatesol....
By Webeditor International Conference on August 9, 2015 - 1:18pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read morePre-Registration for KOTESOL International Conference Opens!
Pre-register for the KOTESOL International Conference.
Individual Pre-registration Group Pre-registration Presenters Pre-registration FAQs for Registration By Webeditor International Conference on August 2, 2015 - 2:23pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreChuck Sandy - International Conference Opening Plenary Speaker!

KOTESOL International Conference weekend is just around the corner - October 9-11. KOTESOL is proud to introduce our Opening Plenary Speaker, Chuck Sandy. See his session titles & abstracts, bio-sketch, even an Audio Love-letter to KOTESOL, at
More information on the 2015 KOTESOL International Conference and English Expo is available at
Don't forget to Pre-register and save money!
More information coming...
By Webeditor International Conference on August 2, 2015 - 12:45am | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read moreConference Sessions Announcement

Accepted sessions for the 2015 International Conference can be found from
This is a preliminary listing. (This does not include Invited sessions or promotional sessions.)
By Webeditor International Conference on July 28, 2015 - 12:01am | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read morePanel Discussions @ 2015 International Conference
Wanted: Lively, passionate discussions about topics that YOU care about.
Why? To give you a chance to discuss an important issue with other participants. Think "Point-Counterpoint" without the politics or rancor.
What is a Panel Discussion? A panel should consist of a moderator and two or three other participants who have some informed opinion on a topic. Each panelist would offer her/his view and interact/react to the other panelists. Audience participation is also possible.
What Topics? Anything in the field of ELT that you feel needs change or improvement. You might...
By Webeditor International Conference on April 11, 2015 - 7:49pm | 0 Comments | 2015 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more