
Korea TESOL is pleased to offer publications from our early history. . Please note: OCR (optical character reading) technology is imperfect. If you choose to copy-paste from these scanned documents, double-check your data for accuracy. Some pages, e.g., advertising) are not included in the scanned versions of the the publications.   Language Teaching: The Korea TESOL Journal Language Teaching: The Korea TESOL Journal was the first publication of...
KOTESOL Happenings and News (HAN) KOTESOL Happenings and News is a companion publication of The English Connection (TEC). It is a quarterly newsletter published midway between publication of issues of TEC – in the middle of the months of January, April, July, and October. Issues of HAN are available here as open access in PDF format. While TEC focuses on articles related to practical ELT techniques for the EFL classroom and to the teaching profession, HAN focuses on events and news...
The Korea TESOL Journal is a refereed academic journal concerned with teaching English as a foreign or additional language and related issues. Past issues are available for viewing and downloading; however, the most recent issue of the Journal is currently provided to current KOTESOL members only. (Current members need only log in to their KOTESOL account to access the most recent issue, and to view the access link to it.) Recent issues become open access one year after their publication date...
KOTESOL Proceedings are compilations of content presented at KOTESOL's annual international conferences. These proceedings are academic journal-style publications. Paper submissions are made post-conference by conference session presenters, and selections are made through a review process. Past issues of KOTESOL Proceedings are freely available for download in PDF format. The most recent issue of KOTESOL Proceedings, however, is available for download for current members only. The most recent...
The Korea TESOL Research Committee.  ⓘ The Research Special Interest Group (SIG) can be found here.  The KOTESOL Research Grants 2023.  Key Information  Grant Structure  KoreaTESOL Research Grant KRW500,000 KoreaTESOL Grant for Action Research KRW250,000 KoreaTESOL Grant for Other Projects KRW250,000 Key Dates  16 February - Grant applications open  31 March - Grant applications close 29-30 April -Grant recipients...
TEC News was Korea TESOL's online companion publication to The English Connection (TEC). Both are quarterly publications. TEC News contained news about KOTESOL's Chapters and Special Interest Groups (SIGs). It also carries news on ELT conferences, calendars of events for KOTESOL, and ELT conferences in Korea and international. Also included was a handy, yet extensive, KOTESOL Directory of National and Chapter officers, and other position-holders in KOTESOL. This publication has been...
The English Connection (TEC) is KOTESOL's quarterly news magazine, featuring scholarly and classroom-based articles as well as teaching tips and articles on working and living in Korea. All issues of The English Connection are provided as free access to KOTESOL members. (If you are logged in as a current dues-paying member, you will be able to view and access the links to the most recent issues. Access becomes open to all six months after publication) Past issues of TEC are...