Elemental Magic: Water

The element of water is the receiving element, the embodiment of female power. Its time is winter, part of the world is the west. The element of water is inherently close to the dianistic (lunar) goddesses. Her magic is distinguished by access to knowledge that people have long forgotten. People of the earth element work with prophecies (the instrument is the vine and the tarot), healings, purifications, emotions, energy, intuition. Water magic works primarily on instincts. This element is very flexible and it uses techniques that cause both external and internal changes. At the same time, it must be remembered that not every liquid falls under the influence of the element of water: the one in which alcohol or vinegar is present falls under the power of the element of fire.
It should also be remembered that different waters can be used for different work. For example, swamp or sewage water is used to bind or expel; water from a river or lake brings peace, tranquility and self-knowledge; rainwater is important for protection, increasing energy and purification; seawater is used to strengthen health, magical power and achieve goals; and water from the river is a symbol of moving forward, protects and cleanses. At the same time, snow, ice and fog also fall under the influence of the water element. They are a symbol of transformation. In addition, ice keeps the balance and promotes creativity; fog – partnerships, and snow – also helps to keep the balance.
The place for the ritual is also important. Beaches are used for spells, charm and meditation; riverbanks are used to increase their own strength; ports are used to increase well–being, and banishment rituals are performed on them.
Amulets and talismans are developed by water magicians from various shells that contain universal energy and can be used in the same way as crystals. At the same time, oyster shells attract good luck, cowries – money and prosperity, absids – love, and so on.
Beginners can start working with water magic with the simplest rituals. These include the ritual of liberation: it is necessary to write with paints on a piece of paper what you would like to get rid of and put this piece of paper on the rain, charming it. The rain will take away what is no longer needed. Also a useful ritual is the "icy hand" ritual. It is used to cool the unnecessary feelings of another person. It is necessary to direct the flow of energy in the form of a hand from ice into a person's chest, find his heart there and squeeze it, cooling it. Water magic includes mood rings and "floating candles". Игроки могут войти прямо с нашего сайта, ссылка ведет на официальный ресурс и активное рабочее mostbet Выигрыш же можно оформить только при полностью заполненном профиле.