How to clean enameled dishes

Enameled dishes are very convenient for cooking liquid dishes — the liquid boils much faster in it than in dishes with a different coating. Such dishes are convenient for cooking jams, compotes, pickling cabbage and other pickles. One of its main advantages is the enameled coating does not allow the dishes to absorb food odors.

There are several ways to clean the enamel coating. Let's consider the most effective ones.

Necessary funds: a dish sponge, a soft viscose napkin, cleaning powder, baking soda, alcohol, vinegar (essence), table salt, household soap, pear and apple peel, lemon.

1. The dishes are washed with a soft sponge using a cleaning powder. Do not use a hard metal brush — it can damage the enamel. If there are dried or burnt food remains at the bottom of the dishes, fill the dishes with water, add the powder and leave for ninety minutes. Now it will be easier to clean it.
2. Wash the dishes with a strong baking soda solution. After baking soda treatment, the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed and wiped with a towel.
3. Clean the enameled surface with a sponge using a mixture of salt and baking soda.
4. Rub the soap into warm water and pour the resulting solution into a bowl. Wipe the inner surface with a sponge, then thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the soap solution.
5. A mixture of baking soda and soap crumbs will help to wash off a very greasy surface.
6. Burnt food can be removed by pouring the dishes for six to eight hours with a saturated solution of soda or salt and boiling it afterwards with this solution.
7. Alcohol will help to darken the enamel. Warm water is poured into the dishes, a teaspoon or a tablet of persoli is dissolved in it and boiled for an hour. Then the dishes are washed with a soap solution and rinsed.
8. Peel pears and apples will help to whiten the enameled surface. Put the peel in a container with water and boil for twenty minutes. You can also use several slices of lemon. The remaining stains on the enamel are wiped off with a soft cloth using baking soda.
9. Boiling water in a bowl with vinegar dissolved in it (about two tablespoons of essence per three liters of water) will perfectly help to remove scale on the enameled coating.

The care of enameled dishes is not very difficult, the main thing is to avoid burning of products and damage to the coating. If there are noticeable chips on the enamel, it is better not to cook in such dishes — the metal from which it is made may contain harmful substances. It is forbidden to cook all kinds of porridges, fried dishes in an enameled saucepan, as well as boil milk to avoid burning. With careful use and regular proper cleaning, comfortable and beautiful enameled tableware will retain its qualities for a long time and will look like new. bit qt