Language Teacher Networks: Values and Visibility

Naeema B. Hann (Leeds Beckett University, UK)



Language teacher networks are professional development (PD) spaces where teachers share approaches and practices. Effective networks tend to be diverse, multicultural spaces. In my talk, I share a tool for understanding PD values for language professionals from non-Western backgrounds. I explore two teacher networks for one language. Network 1 operates in the UK, where Urdu is a minority language. Network 2 operates in Pakistan, where Urdu is the national language and the language of wider communication. I draw on the online presence (website, Facebook) of these networks to explore how members engage, discover, experiment, reflect, and share (Krutka, Carpenter, & Trust, 2016). I propose these five practices as visible stages in teacher development journeys. Drawing on the cultural background of Urdu teachers, I then re-examined the sites using 12th-century mystic and perfumer Farid u-Din Attar’s Conference of the Birds (1117/2003). This revealed seven values that drove these teachers’ engagement with PD. Based on these values, I conclude with seven lenses to help understand non-Western teachers’ developmental journeys.

Attar, F. (2003). The conference of the birds: Mantiq Ut-Tair (R. P. Masani, Trans.). Asian Educational Services, India. (Original work published 1117)

Krutka, D. G., Carpenter, J. P., & Trust, T. (2016). Elements of engagement: A model of teacher interactions via professional learning networks. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 32(4), 150-158.

ESBB Plenary Session; In Person; 50 minutes

Teacher Education / Professional Development

General Interest

About the Presenter

 I am an emeritus reader, School of Education, Leeds Beckett University, and have taught pre-sessional EAP courses. I led the EAP modules in the International Foundation Year for over ten years and was course leader for the MA English Language Teaching. I also led modules on course design, assessment, materials development, multimedia, and independent learning for the MA ELT. My work with the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Leeds Beckett included membership in the Postgraduate Taught Award group and Post Graduate Learning Outcomes Task and Finish group. My research interests are language learning materials, learner strategies, motivation, and identity positions for language learning.