Turning Your Concept or Classroom Content Into a Professional Textbook

Stephen Walker (Hoseo University, Korea)



What do you do with years of teaching experience, well-honed content, and a bit of computer know-how? You create a high quality textbook that can be used by you and your peers and could potentially become a second source of income. With over 20 years of experience in TESOL at the university level, I have written, designed, and self-produced two textbooks that have been used by numerous teachers throughout Korea and are sold online. I will take you through the 6 stages of how to create a polished, professional textbook from start to finish:

  1. Developing your concept and content;
  2. Introduction of the software needed to create a professional product;
  3. Discuss the learning curve, time, price, and computer skills needed;
  4. How to polish up the finished product and find a professional printer;
  5. How to self-promote your product;
  6. Lessons learned: Dos and don'ts with time for Q&A.


Workshop (In person; 80 minutes)

Materials/Course/Curriculum Design

General Interest

About the Presenter

Stephen Walker has taught English in South Korea since 2001 at Hoseo University. He has a BA in mass communications and an MA in TESOL. Prior to teaching, he worked in television in Wichita, Kansas, and was a Peace Corps volunteer in Gambia, West Africa. He has self-published two textbooks, Tell Me About It! (2016) and Think About It! (2024).