Most Common Errors in a KEFL First-Year University Students Essay Corpus

Sally Arkley (Gwangju National University of Education, Korea)



This paper presents research based on a corpus of 300 Korean first-year university student essays. I analysed this learner corpus for the most common errors. According to my interpretation, this data gives a concrete basis for classroom practice and curriculum design in Korea. In terms of international pedagogy, my data can be used to garner ideas for research as it provides evidence of current proficiency gaps in EFL student knowledge. The results can be used to further ELT curriculum ideals and enhance language teaching and learning.

Research Paper (In person; 25 minutes)

Corpus Linguistics / Learner Corpora

General Interest

About the Presenter

Sally Arkley has been a visiting professor at Gwangju National University of Education since 2008. In 2002, after two years in China as a joint-venture teacher for Seneca College, Toronto, she moved to Gwangju, South Korea. She was awarded an MA in TESOL from Sunderland University in 2015 and is an English education doctoral candidate (ABD) at Chonnam National University.