A Multipurpose Event for a Multicultural Celebration
As the Yongin Chapter prepares to host the National Conference in November, member Rhett Burton will share his latest findings. Before and after Rhett's presentation (details below), the discussions are endless!
Yes, we do have some practical matters to tend to for the National Conference. You are invited to be a part of those conversations, decisions, and plans.
On the other hand - we ARE teachers helping teachers. This could look quite different for anyone reading these words. Welcome. Come on in and share your celebrations, your frustrations; tell your stories of the past and your hopes of the future! Let's make a day of it in Yongin.
Abstract: In this gathering, we will focus on some of the best practices for dealing with the complicated and complex roles and responsibilities of organizing, implementing, and cleaning up after a Kid’s Cafe at the National KOTESOL Conference in Yongin on November 11th. I will explain how we will keep things simple through heuristics and how we can manage a positive experience by interacting through a variety of content that can be enjoyed by all ages and at all levels of skills.
Rhett Burton has been working with young learners in South Korea since 2002. He started his teaching career at an English kindergarten, transitioned to a public elementary school, and then settled in a private study room till the present day. He uses his study room as a playground for planning, designing, and implementing custom solutions for kindergarten and elementary school students.