KOTESOL's Annual Business Meeting (ABM) for 2022 will be held on Tuesday, November 1, starting at 7 p.m. All members are welcome to attend! The meeting will include reports on KOTESOL's past year, voting on proposed amendments to the KOTESOL constitution and bylaws, and announcement of election results. Following the ABM, the newly elected president may also convene a short meeting of the new National Council to confirm committee chairs for the coming year.
If you would like to attend the ABM (including the National Council meeting to follow), please preregister by October 31 using this form, and a Zoom link will be emailed to you shortly before the event.
Note: the ABM is not a workshop, and only KOTESOL members are invited to attend.
Meeting Agenda:
1. Call to Order / Procedural Matters
2. Agenda Adoption
3. Minutes from the Previous ABM: Reading and Adoption
4. Reports - Reports from President Bryan Hale, and Nominations & Elections Chair Dr. David Shaffer with election results.
5. Unfinished Business - None identified.
6. New Business - There are no proposed amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws to vote on.
7. Awards
8. Adjournment followed by a quick meeting of the new National Council.