Yongin Chapter March Event 2022 - Online with Zoom
12 pm "Doors Open" for a social time~lunch hour
1 pm - Start of Presentation / Workshop
Title: A Teacher’s Guide to Happiness
So much of teacher professional development focuses on teaching. How can we write better lesson plans? What apps can we use to grade homework? Why do students fear speaking activities? All great questions, but there is one question that is seldom answered: how can I be a happier teacher? Teacher happiness is at the root of all teaching success. Cast your mind back to your favorite school teachers and they probably didn’t appear stressed, frustrated or bored. They were positive, upbeat, relaxed and they seemingly loved to teach.
What was the secret to their act? How did they put on a happy face every class? The answer is simple: they were happy. Decisions from above, class schedules and mountains of paperwork were outside of their control, but they were happy. Students tested every nerve and dogs ate homework: they were happy. The truth is that teaching is a demanding and difficult job. It doesn’t matter where you work. Real teacher happiness doesn’t come from the outside, it comes from within. In this workshop, forget about teacher perfection. Throw aside thoughts of the perfect lesson. It’s time to start a pursuit of teacher happiness.
Wayne Finley is a miserable teacher who rues the day he ever stepped foot in front of a classroom. Not really. Since delivering a TEDx talk on the pitfalls of overworking in 2018, Wayne has prioritized his teacher happiness and made real inroads. Right now, he teaches at the Tech University of Korea, leads KOTESOL Teacher Training (KTT) and regularly pulls funny faces for his 8-month-old baby daughter.