2020 International Conference Backup

The call for proposals is temporarily closed.
When we are able, we will re-open it and let you all know.


KOTESOL's International Conference, originally scheduled for October of 2020, has been postponed until next year.


Envisioning With Your Students

Students. They are our alpha and omega. From curriculum design, through material selection or adaptation, to decisions on individual activities, we work with the learner in mind. It’s not always easy, and it can be emotionally taxing, but ultimately the students are what make our jobs fulfilling. We at KOTESOL know this, and so we want this conference to be centered on students.

Your Students. You can picture the student who likes to sit next to the window in your language institute. You understand the student who needs a bit more time to prepare for their private lesson. You know who’s keen and who’s reticent in your public school (and you may even know why).  No one knows your context better than you. We understand this, and so we want this conference to offer workshops, lectures, and discussions that can ultimately help your students.

With Your Students. More and more educators, inspired perhaps by research in learner agency or their own classroom experience, are finding benefits to working with their students. While recognising that this may not be possible or preferable in all contexts, we think it’s worth considering. We want this conference to offer you the opportunity to consider how to (better) work with your students.

Envisioning With Your Students. Envision is a marvelous word. It makes the mind imagine not just positive directions in which one could hypothetically move, but also set future goals one can strive to make a reality.  We believe that this is something that our profession, and indeed our world, could do with a bit more of — and who better to do it than teachers and students together? So, we want you to attend the conference and then begin envisioning with your students.