Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL
Regional Conference 2020
(광주.전남 코테솔 영어교육학술대회)
Theme: Play It Again, 쌤!: Revisitation, Reprise, Memory, Time
Date: March 14, 2020 (2020.3.14) TBD
Important update: All KOTESOL events for March are postponed due to the unfolding coronavirus situation. We are keeping in touch with all presenters and monitoring the situation, and when possible, we will reschedule the conference for the date that best fits the needs of KOTESOL members, conference attendees, and presenters. Stay safe and well. Korean government advice on coronavirus can be found here, with a section in English.
Location: Gwangju National University of Education, Teacher Training Center (광주교육대학교 교사교육센터 / 교육원수원)
Opening Plenary
As Time Goes By: The ELT Questions We Revisit
ㅡ Stewart Gray (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Closing Plenary
Reaching Takeoff: Repetition, Criticality, & Emergence
(Special video messages from luminary figures to prompt discussion among conference participants.)
ㅡ Scott Thornbury (The New School)
ㅡ Thomas S.C. Farrell (Brock University)
ㅡ Diane Larsen-Freeman (University of Michigan)
ㅡ Margaret Wheatley (author of Leadership and the New Science)
Morning Reflective Practice Session (RP newcomers welcome)
Reflective Practice Through a Lens
ㅡ Jocelyn Wright, Mokpo National University
ㅡ Lisa Casaus, Pungam Elementary School
Concurrent Sessions
ㅡ Spotlight, Teaching Practice, Planning & Beyond, Discussion, and Poster Sessions.
Schedule, Presentation Abstracts, & Presenter Biodata can be viewed HERE.
Conference program book coming soon!
Registration Fees
5,000 won ㅡ Members
10,000 won ㅡ Non-members
Free Admission ㅡ For anyone taking out a first-time KOTESOL membership in connection with the conference.*
(Registration fees include conference booklet and refreshments.)
Pre-registration will re-open once a new conference date is determined.
On-site Registration will be available at the Registration Desk. Cash only.
*Special deal for First-Time KOTESOL Members:
ㅡ 20% discount on annual membership.
ㅡ Free conference pass.
A special form to use to take up this opportunity will open once a new conference date is scheduled. Or, you will be able to talk to our staff at the Registration Desk. Pay 40,000w in cash for annual membership (discounted from 50,000w), and receive a free conference pass.
KOTESOL Membership
Membership Fee: 50,000 won (regular, 1-year, domestic).
Membership Discount: 20% discount (10,000 won) on first-time memberships taken out in connection with conference registration.
Conference program book coming soon!
Conference theme
Play It Again, 쌤!: Revisitation, Reprise, Memory, Time
Our conference explores the revisitations teachers and learners make over time. Sessions will connect this theme to language acquisition and tasks, activities, and performance, as well as classroom and group dynamics and relationships, career development and personal development for teachers, and more. Our conference promises an exciting array of professional development opportunities for English language teachers, researchers, and other ELT professionals.
The Call for Proposals is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.
However, we are still open to poster presentations and exhibits. If you are interested in submitting a poster presentation or exhibit, contact us by email: gwangju @ koreatesol.org