By Webeditor Publications on September 30, 2012 - 12:00pm | Reads | Publications

Publication Date:
October 1, 1999
The Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 2, Number 1 October 1999
- The effects of three learning strategies on EFL vocabulary acquisition (Cheongsook Chin)
- Asian EFL students in English content courses (Barbara H. Wright)
- A comparative study of attitudes towards varieties of English held by professionals and tertiary level students in Korea (Michael Gibb)
- Classroom English for enhanced student learning (Robert J. Dickey and Sang-Ho Han)
- 'Pedagogically correct' computer assisted language instruction (CALI) for the reading classroom (Louie Liviu Dragut)
- Testing the test: Comparing SEMAC and exact word scoring on the selective deletion cloze (Gregory Hadley, John Naaykens)
- A study of the relationship between test scores and attitudes towards tests (Myoung-sook Jung)