NOTICE: This workshop takes place on June 14th (not June 7th as previously advertised)
Speaker: Peadar Callaghan
Topic: Applying Gamification to Your Classroom
Date: Saturday June 14th, 2014
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue: KNU, Woodang Building, Room 203
Map: click here
Applying Gamification to Your Classroom
Gamification has been defined as “the addition of game elements to a non-game context”. This has come to be viewed as the addition of fun elements and activities to an established educational methodology with the addition of badges, ‘boss fights’ instead of final exams, and leveling systems for example. However, these gimmicks disguise the true strength of gamification. This presentation will expand on the traditional definition and use gamification as a new framework to reexamine the best practices in ESL with the aim of creating better designed education experiences and outcomes. By using the design principles employed by games designers, teachers can create more engaging and rewarding classrooms. In effect, teachers become capable of leveraging the desires of our students to engage in play and games within a classroom context while steering clear of the inherent pitfall of attempting to make the entire educational process into a game (which can easily be seen through by students).
Peadar Callaghan graduated from the University of Limerick with an MA in ELT. He is a lifelong gamer, learner and comic book fanatic. Peadar is currently the president of KOTESOL and teaching at Daegu University. His research interests include motivation in the classroom, formative assessment, continuous assessment, multimodal media and gamification. You can reach him via 01087370430 or peadarcallaghan@gmail.com or at peadarcallaghan.com.