Finding published research articles about Korean English language learners can be challenging. On this page we aim to assist you in your search.
There are a number of ELT journals published in Korea, many publish online as well as in hardcopy. We list links further below on this page.
Of course we invite you to review KOTESOL's own publications. Following these three, we list a number of other societies' journals. Most of the articles available through these links are presented in English (particularly the more recent papers). Then we list some graduate schools' own journals. Finally, you can search google scholar, sometimes there are papers available for free download from there. Also, visit your nearest national university or major private university -- many will allow you to access their e-journal holdings from within their library.
Many of the papers in the journals below, plus many master's and doctoral theses, can also be found through the RISS search engine, principally those papers completed in Korea (RISS통합검색) but also a number of overseas databases (example, SCOPUS, 해외DB통합검색). Some papers will be directly accessible through RISS, for others you will have to pursue other avenues (such as library collections or pay-to-view). Most Korean university libraries will grant temporary access to non-students, you can access many articles through their online collections.
Find a listing of overseas ELT journals with online access at
Citations Indexing Information
ㅡ Korea Citation Index (KCI)
ㅡ Scopus
Links to ELT Journals in Korea
Korea TESOL Journal (KTJ)
(Korea TESOL)
(Most recent two issues available to members only)
(No site-based search, but use Google and include -- site:koreatesol.org )
KOTESOL Proceedings
(Korea TESOL)
(Most recent issue available to members only.)
(No site-based search, but use Google and include -- site:koreatesol.org )
The English Connection (TEC)
(Korea TESOL)
(Most recent two issues available to members only.)
(No site-based search, but use Google and include -- site:koreatesol.org )
English Language Teaching KCI
(Pan-Korea English Teachers Association ㅡ PKETA)
Search function available
English Teaching KCI
(Korea Association of Teachers of English ㅡ KATE)
Search function available
Foreign Language Education
(Korea Association of Foreign Languages Education ㅡ KAFLE)
Search function available
Journal of the Korea English Education Society KCI
(Korea English Education Society ㅡ KEES)
Search function available
Korean Journal of Applied Linguistics KCI
(Applied Linguistics Association of Korea ㅡ ALAK)
Search function available
Linguistic Research (언어연구) KCI / Scopus
(Kyung Hee University Institute for the Study of Language and Information)
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning KCI
(Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning ㅡ KAMALL)
Search function available
Primary English Education KCI
(Korea Association of Primary English Education ㅡ KAPEE)
Search function available
STEM Journal KCI
(Society for Teaching English Through Media ㅡ STEM)
Search function available
Studies in English Education KCI
(Global English Teachers Association ㅡ GETA)
http://www.geta.kr/html/sub03_01_02.asp or
Search function available
English Language & Literature Teaching
(English Teachers Association of Korea ㅡ ETAK)
http://www.koreascience.or.kr/journal/OOONBD.page (1995-2012)
http://etak.or.kr/Journal Webpage in Korean, recent articles in English
The Journal of Extensive Reading in Foreign Languages
Only volume 1, number 1 (2014) [through the Internet Archive]
Korean Extensive English Reading Association ㅡ KEERA)
TESOL Interfaces (System down last check.)
(Woosong University Graduate School of TESOL-MALL)
(No site-based search, but use Google and include -- site:tesolmall.wsu.ac.kr )
Issues in EFL
(Sookmyung TESOL MA Program)
(No site-based search, but use Google and include -- site:tesolma.com )
We welcome information about additional journals. Contact: admin@koreatesol.org
Updated 2022.06.07.