Triumph Through Turmoil: The Unyielding Spirit of Palestinian Educators

Anastasia Khawaja (Arab American University, Palestine)
Amanda Khalaf (Arab American University, Palestine)



In this presentation, we discuss our approach to educating in Palestine. Due to the reality of occupation, Palestinians face multifaceted challenges (Erakat, 2020; Pappe, 2022a; Suleiman, 2016). While we briefly discuss struggles, we focus on the innovations and triumphs achieved both in and outside of the classroom by educators and students despite the at times insurmountable obstacles. We celebrate the resilience and determination of educators here in the region continuing to provide quality teaching and learning opportunities in the face of adversity.

Pecha Kucha (Video; 6 mins 40 secs)

Critical Pedagogy/Perspectives

General interest

About the Presenters

Dr. Anastasia Khawaja is an assistant professor of English, teacher trainer, and curriculum developer living in Ramallah, Palestine. She served as the conference chair for TEFL Kuwait and is the SIG chair for the ESP SIG. Her research focuses on implementing the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) framework alongside intersectional practices in educational contexts, and addressing systemic barriers and fostering inclusivity particularly in Palestine.

Amanda Khalaf is the director of the language center at Arab American University in Ramallah, Palestine. With almost two decades of teaching experience, her philosophy in the classroom is to focus on the well-being of the student before anything else academically. Her research focuses on investigating teaching taxonomies that would best accommodate teaching under trauma.