Difficulties in English Listening Comprehension for Basic EFL Learners at a University in Mexico

Jennifer Monserrat López Rodríguez (Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico)
Verónica Rodríguez Luna (Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico)
Isaí Alí Guevara Bazán (Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico)



English is essential across various sectors (Rao, 2019; Uribe, 2012, as cited in Torres et al., 2021). The development of language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) is crucial for effective communication. Listening comprehension, the focus of our research, is vital as it supports the development of other skills, especially speaking. However, many EFL learners struggle with it. In our study, we aimed to identify the factors hindering beginner EFL students' listening comprehension, focusing on language knowledge and speaker utterances. We conducted the research with 13 students from the basic English course at Universidad Veracruzana using a mixed method: questionnaires and interviews. Our findings showed that speed, pronunciation, vocabulary, accent, and grammar knowledge significantly impacted comprehension. Additionally, concentration, motivation, and lack of practice played crucial roles. We conclude that vocabulary, pronunciation, and speed rate were the most prevalent factors.

Research Paper (Video; 25 minutes)


Primarily of interest to teachers of university students

About the Presenters

Jennifer Monserrat López Rodríguez holds a bachelor's degree in English language from the Facultad de Idiomas, Universidad Veracruzana. She is a member of the Language English department at Universidad Veracruzana. She can be contacted at

Verónica Rodríguez Luna holds a PhD in education, an MA in teaching English as a foreign language, and a BA in English language. She is part of the Blended Learning Committee at Universidad Veracruzana (UV) and has participated in the design of three blended learning courses for UV.

Isaí Alí Guevara Bazán holds a bachelor's degree in English language from the Facultad de Idiomas, Universidad Veracruzana; a master's degree in educational technology from the Centro de Excelencia, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas; and a PhD in educational technology from Universidad Davinci.

JM López Rodríguez, V Rodríguez Luna, & IA Guevara Bazán “Difficulties in English Listening Comp..."