Connecting With Teachers’ and Learners’ Emotions in the Language Classroom

Jack C. Richards (University of Sydney, Australia)



Emotions are an important part of the experiences of both language teachers and language learners; however, their role has often been marginalized as a result of the focus on cognitive rather than affective dimensions of language learning within applied linguistics. The “affective turn” in applied linguistics has refocused on how teachers’ and learners’ emotions influence their management of teaching and learning.  In this presentation, I explore the kinds of emotions teachers and learners experience, the causes of these emotions, and the impact they can have on teaching and learning. I give suggestions as to how teachers and learners can develop emotional competence—the ability to understand and productively manage emotions—in language learning and teaching.

Plenary Session; In Person; 50 minutes

Social Emotional Learning

General Interest

About the Presenter

Jack C. Richards has had an active career in the Asia Pacific region and is currently an honorary professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Sydney. He has also had a long association with the Regional Language Centre in Singapore. He has written over 150 books and articles on language teaching as well as many widely used classroom texts. His recent publications include articles on language teacher identity and English medium instruction. 

Jack Richards also has active interests in music and the arts. He has been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Literature by Victoria University, Wellington, for his services to education and the arts, and also received the Award for Patronage from the Arts Foundation of New Zealand. The TESOL International Association honored Jack Richards as one of the 50 TESOL specialists worldwide to have made a significant impact on language teaching in the last 50 years.

Jack C. Richards' website: