Listening to Connect: Active and Empathetic Listening Exercises for ELT

Cheryl Woelk (Collective Joy Consulting, Korea)



In this workshop, I invite participants to explore two essential listening skills for learners highlighted in peace linguistics-related literature: active listening and empathetic listening. I will begin with a conceptual overview, examining the nature of these skills and their significance to ELT. I will then introduce two interactive exercises. The first involves using active listening to complete a negotiation task. The second employs empathetic listening in a role-play. These exercises help participants compare the two types of listening through experiential learning and observation. Following each exercise, we will reflect on our experiences, identify the listening skills used, share insights on the function of each type of listening in effective communication, and discuss how these skills can enhance language acquisition. Finally, we will compare our experiences of active and empathetic listening from a peace linguistics perspective, discussing their impact on the level and quality of connection for learners.

Workshop (In person, 50 minutes)

Peacebuilding / Peace Studies / Peace Linguistics

Primarily of interest to teachers of university students

About the Presenter

Cheryl Woelk is co-founder of Collective Joy Consulting, offering communication and conflict resolution training to individuals and organizations in Northeast Asia. As an English instructor, peace educator, and educational specialist with expertise in TESOL and conflict transformation, she coaches educators and professionals in South Korea on using English in intercultural contexts. She is co-author of Teaching English for Reconciliation (2018).