Navigating Growth: Motivations and Impact of Professional Development for ESL Instructors

Stephanie Ptak (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)



At South Korean universities, English teachers come from a variety of countries and have a diverse set of skills and backgrounds, from teacher-training programs to master's degrees and PhDs in English and even other subjects entirely. Teachers in primary through tertiary schools are required to partake in mandatory training, and many university professors must meet quotas for professional development (PD) or publishing. However, for many English instructors, the workplace provides little to no incentive for professional development. While opportunities for growth and collaboration can be found and welcomed if one is searching for them, the motivations or lack thereof vary across the board. Through a survey and interviews, I attempt to get a clearer understanding of the current climate of professional development among English instructors at South Korean universities. I will look at the current perceived importance of PD, the professional training that many participate in, and motivations for participation.

Research Paper (In person; 25 minutes)

Teacher Education / Professional Development

General Interest

About the Presenter

Stephanie Ptak is currently an ESL professor in South Korea. She has taught in Spain and South Korea from elementary school to the university level. She holds a bachelor's degree in linguistics and Spanish from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Masters of Education from George Mason University. She is currently interested in goal-setting and mindfulness in the ESL classroom.