Enhancing English Proficiency and Cross-Cultural Competence Through AI and Interactive Teaching

Hiroyuki Obari (Globiz Professional University, Japan)



This 14-week course, designed for 19 graduate students, integrated English presentation skills, cross-cultural communication, and global leadership. Featuring a blend of lectures from a U.S. special lecturer and AI-focused sessions, the course emphasized expanding worldviews and adapting to AI. Students summarized lectures into 300-word essays using AI tools like ChatGPT and Scribo, reflecting on AI’s role in learning. Weekly presentations to American exchange students fostered interactive learning. Paired discussions with native speakers enhanced cross-cultural competence. Pre- and post-course surveys and the Progos AI Speaking Test assessed improvements in English proficiency and cross-cultural IQ. Preliminary results suggest that this face-to-face, interaction-focused approach significantly enhanced students’ skills compared to traditional methods. Digital storytelling and Google Classroom supported the learning process. The course demonstrates the efficacy of combining AI tools with interactive teaching to boost language skills and cultural competence.

Research Paper (In person; 25 minutes)

Technology / Online Learning / AI / CALL / MALL

Primarily of interest to teachers of university students

About the Presenter

Dr. Hiroyuki Obari, a professor at Globiz Professional University, also holds visiting and emeritus professor titles at Aoyama Gakuin University. He lectures part-time at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and researches at AIST. With degrees from Columbia (MA) and Tsukuba (PhD), his expertise spans CALL and edtech. He was a visiting researcher at Oxford multiple times.