Notice: Early-Bird Registration has been extended until November 1.
Regular Pre-Registration begins November 2.
ㅡ Registration fee includes e-conference program book, conference mobile app, Zoom links effective for one month.
ㅡ The first 50 registrants will be given a free 2021 AsiaTEFL menbership.
ㅡ In addition to the benefits above, all onsite participants will be provided with a conference bag, coffee and snacks, a dinner box each day, and an AsiaTEFL T-shirt as a token of appreciation for in-person participation at the conference venue (provided the virus situation permits onsite participation).
Exclusive Benefits for KOTESOL Members at the Asia TEFL 2020 International Conference:
View Page HERE.
To register at these prices, you'll need a KOTESOL membership verification code: Click HERE for the code (log in first).
Register for the conference on the AsiaTEFL 2020 International Conference website: Click HERE.