KOTESOL Career Service Award Announced

The Korea TESOL Career Service Award is presented intermittently to a KOTESOL member who has contributed many years of service to KOTESOL and who is ending their teaching career in Korea. As President of KOTESOL, I am happy to present this career service award to a very deserving member of our organization:

Deborah Tarbet

Deborah has been teaching in Korea for over fifteen years. She is a member of the Daegu-Gyeongnam Chapter and has taught at Keimyung College University in Daegu. During her years as a KOTESOL member, Deborah has served as national treasurer for two years, and on her chapter's council for many years. In addition, she has served on many of our national and international conference committees.

Thank you for your service, Deborah.

Bryan Hale
Korea TESOL President