JNJ workshop - June 2024: Rap as a Catalyst & Building Connections for Better Instruction

Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 02:45 to 05:00
'I CAN!' English Academy - SamCheon-dong
Yongri-ro 38-4
55086 Jeonju City , Jeollabuk-do
South Korea
Jeollabuk-do KR
Contact Phone: 

Join us in Jeonju for the last workshop of the spring season!

Title: Rap as a Catalyst: Motivating Students, Enhancing Pronunciation, and Fostering Relatable Learning Experiences

Abstract: Educators looking to boost engagement in their language classrooms can join this interactive workshop exploring the power of rap music. The session will delve into the benefits of rap for motivation, pronunciation, and creating relatable learning experiences. Participants will actively engage in fun activities that integrate rap into pronunciation,  vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension practice. The workshop will also brainstorm strategies for educators to incorporate rap into their own lesson plans. By the end, educators will leave with fresh ideas, resources to find suitable rap music, and the confidence to experiment with this exciting approach in their classrooms.

Bio: Claudia Tumba is an enthusiastic English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructor whose professional journey began with a law degree and work as a paralegal. At 25, driven by a desire to explore new cultures, Claudia relocated to South Korea, fundamentally altering her career path as she discovered a passion for teaching English. Over the past decade, Claudia has dedicated herself to enhancing English communicative skills among EFL learners. She holds several roles across prestigious institutions. Not only does she train future teachers at Chuncheon National University of Education, but she also works with freshman students at Kangwon National University on conversational skills. Until last December, she worked with elementary students at an after-school program, developing ideas to make learning fun. Claudia actively creates innovative teaching materials, including a co-authored book on pronunciation titled "Sounds Clear," aimed at aiding non-native teachers. Her current projects include utilizing rap as a teaching tool and writing bilingual books for children, emphasizing her commitment to dynamic and impactful language education in South Korea.



Title: Building Connections for Better Instruction: Strategies to Enhance Learning 

Abstract: As an educator committed to delivering high-quality instruction, it is natural to become engrossed in one's own pedagogy and actions in the classroom. Sometimes, the improvements we seek can come from connecting with those around us, whether it be students, colleagues, or whoever else we may encounter. This workshop is designed to encourage participants to recognize and nurture these connections with others in order to enrich the lives both within and beyond the classroom. These connections improve both teacher performances and student outcomes. Through individual and shared explorations of the experiences and interests of those around us, participants will equip themselves with strategies to enhance relationships and create positive learning environments.
Bio: Melvin Dixon moved to South Korea in 2006. He currently works at Gyeonggi University of Science and Technology, where he teaches and works in the Global Education Center, preparing students for work and study abroad.  Melvin is vice president of the Seoul KOTESOL chapter and a contributor to KOTESOL Voices and The English Connection (TEC).