Conference Theme
Players on the World Stage: From EFL Classrooms to Global Lives
Boyoung Lee (CEO, AnySpeak)
Plenary Session: Meeting Halfway with Learners
Aya Matsuda (Arizona State University)
Plenary Session: From EFL Students to EIL Users: Preparing Students for Today’s Globalized World
Second Session: TEIL as a Tool for Decolonizing and Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Guy Cook (King's College, London)
Plenary Session: Setting the Stage: The EFL Classroom in the First Quarter of the 21st Century (Virtual)
David Paul (Language Teaching Professionals)
Featured Session: Using Classroom Games Effectively with Young Learners
Second Session: Fun and Effective Classroom Game Activities
Robert J. Lowe (Ochanomizu University)
Featured Session: Native-Speakerism and (Dis)empowerment: An Autoethnography of Success and Failure in Language Teaching and Learning
Second Session: Duoethnography in ELT: Research, Reflection, and Practice
Eun Sung Park (Sogang University)
Featured Session: Resilient Roots, Global Growth: Transnational Identities as Assets in the English Classroom
CedarBough T. Saeji (Pusan National University)
Featured Session: Dressing Up in the Korean Past: Hanbok Wearing as Play Informed by Popular Culture
Second Session: K-pop as a Teaching Tool
David Kellogg (Sangmyung University)
Featured Session: Rote, Role, Rule: Halliday, Vygotsky, and Shakespeare on Play Development
Second Session: METAPHOR IS WAR: Forming and Forgetting Science Concepts Through Language Play
Michael Hurt (Korea National University of Arts)
Featured Session: How Korea Got Cool: Ethnography and the Korean Style
Eunjee Ko (Namseoul University)
Featured Session: Exploring the 2022 Revised National English Curriculum: Deciphering What to Teach and How to Teach It
Second Session: What Is “Deep Learning” in the 2022 Revised English Curriculum: A Reflection on Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction
Education in Korea: The Implications of Change
— The Panelists —
Joo-Kyung Park (Honam University)
Nam-Joon Kang (Sookmyung Women's University)
David Kellogg (Sangmyung University)
Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence
(Sessions in Korean)
— The Presenters —
Yohan Hwang (황요한, Jeonju University)
Five Keywords for Future-Oriented English Education
디지털 기반 미래 영어교육을 위한 5가지 키워드
HyeJin Lee (이혜진, Wonkwang University)
Local Insights, Global Reach: EdTech/AI-Infused English Content Powered by Blockchain Credentials
지역적 이해, 세계적 도약: 블록체인 기술과 결합된 에듀테크/AI 영어 콘텐츠
Rakhun Kim (김낙훈, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies & Sungdong High School)
Implementing AI-Based English Language Learning Programs in Korean EFL Contexts: Theory, Practice, and Instructional Effects
우리나라 EFL 환경에서 인공지능 기반 영어 학습 프로그램 적용하기: 이론, 실천, 그리고 교수 효과
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EVE: Equal Voices in ELT
This Platinum EVE badge recognizes balance of both gender and L1/L2 speakers across the plenary and featured line-up at the 2024 Korea TESOL International Conference.