Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL December Chapter Meeting & Year-End Dinner

Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 00:00
광주교육대학교 Gwangju Natl. Univ. of Ed. (교사교육센터/Teacher Training Center)
55 Pilmun-daero Buk-gu
61204 Gwangju , Gwangju Metropolitan City
South Korea
Gwangju Metropolitan City KR
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
010-5068-9179 (D. Shaffer)

Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter December Meeting

––– Morning Reflective Practice Session –––
Topic: Those Precious Gifts
Time: December 14, 11:00 - 12:30 (2nd Saturday)
Location: Coffee Lab Mujii, near GNUE. (Ground floor of 광주우리교회 Building. Map at bottom.)
Facilitator: Jocelyn Wright


Time: 2nd Saturday, December 14, 2019, 1:45ㅡ5:00 pm
Location: Gwangju National University of Education (GNUE), Teacher Training Center (교사교육센터) 1st Floor; Room 811. Detailed directions HERE.

1:45 pm: Sign-in and Meet-and-Greet    (Admission: Free for newcomers. Membership welcomed.)

2:00ㅡ2:50 pm: Session 1
Stereotypes and Racist Sentiments Perpetuated in Textbooks: A New Perspective on Otherness and Critical Visual Literacy Analysis
ㅡ Presenter: Travis Frank

2:50ㅡ3:10 pm: Refreshment Break

3:10ㅡ4:00 pm: Session 2
ㅡ Naughty or Nice: Party Games with Friendly Teasing
ㅡ Facilitator: Bryan Hale

4:10ㅡ4:45 pm: Swap-Shop Presentations
Share your Teaching Ideas, Classroom Activities, and Teaching Wisdom with the group.
(Everyone is encouraged to share [up to 5-6 min. each]. Short tidbits are welcomed. Handouts also welcomed.)

4:45ㅡ5:00 pm: Announcements / Drawing for Door Prizes / Closing

(5:30ㅡ8:00 pm: Year-End Holiday Dinner. Details below.)

Session Summaries

Stereotypes and Racist Sentiments Perpetuated in Textbooks

ㅡ A New Perspective on Otherness and Critical Visual Literacy Analysis

Travis Frank

This presentation will assess the prejudicial and stereotypical content of English language textbooks used in private language academies in Korea. It will explore mechanisms operating on literary and visual levels to create sentiments of otherness, and cultural and racial superiority, as well as to maintain oppression. These issues are important because they work against equality.

Direct reference to textbook extracts will be used to prompt reflection and group discussion of diversity issues, with a goal of unpacking the perpetuation of injustice through textbooks. Participants will have an opportunity to consider the formulation of policies that can be implemented in daily classroom life to help students increase their awareness of intercultural, pedagogical, and humanitarian issues, as well as measures that can encourage students to reverse the tide of prejudice, discrimination, and oppression.

Participants will be encouraged to share personal opinions and testimonies in response to textbook materials.

The Presenter

Travis Frank is a South African teacher who has taught in Korea in the private language academy arena for the past three years. His research interests center on creative writing and intercultural communication. The examination of ESL/EFL textbooks to assess stereotypes and cultural appropriations is one focus of his research. He holds a Masters of Arts in TESOL from Woosong University.

Naughty or Nice: Party Games with Friendly Teasing

Bryan Hale

Games can be found in many language classrooms, including educational games and others such as board games adapted for language practice. A potentially powerful, but perhaps risky, element of communication games can be teasing. During this session, we will try some group games that can stimulate playful communication, with a particular focus on (hopefully friendly!) teasing. This will allow us to experience games which we might adapt for our classroom while reflecting on the uses (and abuses) our learners might get out of playful teasing. During this session we will touch on some theoretical ideas about play, including from ethology as well as literary and cultural studies - but our main focus will be on trying out the group games!

This session will also, of course, be an opportunity for us to have some fun together as part of our end-of-year festivities. Because we are a very friendly and kind chapter, the teasing will not be too naughty, we promise - Gwangju-Jeonnam is definitely a chapter that tends towards nice!

The Facilitator

Bryan Hale is currently serving in several roles, most importantly Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL chapter president! He is also 1st vice-president of KOTESOL nationally, and Reflective Practice Special Interest Group co-facilitator. Bryan teachers at a high school in Jeollanamdo, and this year has been conducting research into language play and the role of playfulness in communication practice.

5:30ㅡ8:00 pm: Year-End Holiday Dinner

Venue: Angelo / 안젤로 (광주 동구 무등로375번길 30-1)

Our Year-End Holiday Dinner will be at Angelo. This is a pasta and pizza restaurant across the street from the GNUE main entrance. Prices range from ~7,000 to ~12,000 won per dish. We will also be offering complimentary pumpking pie! :)

Will you be joining our Year-End Holiday Dinner? Please make a reservation with us. If you are unable to RSVP via Facebook, then please email