Gangwon Chapter: English Camp Workshop

Sunday, December 17, 2023 - 14:00 to 17:00
South Korea
Contact Email: 

English Camp Workshop!

Location is online: Follow this link.  The password will be sent to those who register with us in advance. 

Registration: Follow this link.

Certificates: Participants will receive a certificate for three hours of PD, upon request and with confirmation that they attended the entire workshop.

This workshop is free. We do ask that you consider becoming a member of KOTESOL, though. For more on membership benefits follow this link

Join Gangwon Chapter on the afternoon of Sunday, December 17 for an afternoon of workshopping and discussion about "English Camps". This event is particularly aimed at the EPIK / Public School teachers in Gangwon who will be responsible for helping to design and run these events in the upcoming winter break. That said, all are welcome! 

The afternoon will feature short sessions, presentations, and discussions about many of the key areas of such 'camps', with ample opportunity for exploration and Q&A. Michael Free, the host (and former EPIKer), will be joined by Sunette Labushagne, George Setllmir, and others (TBC).  

If you're an EPIK teacher in Gangwon and would like to present or share an idea, please get in touch with us at

Finally, Gangwon KOTESOL would also like attendees who are EPIK teachers in Gangwon to tell us how we can help you in the future. We will be taking some time in the meeting to talk about this. The demographics of Gangwon have changed in the past few years, and the chapter has been running with a skeleton crew. We would like to strongly encourage you to consider contributing as a presenter or an executive member!