Daegu-Gyeongbuk KOTESOL March 2014 Chapter Meeting

Saturday, March 8, 2014 - 15:00 to 17:30

Speaker:Jeroen Root
Topic:The Art of Argumentation – Debate for English Language Learners
Date: Saturday March 8th, 2014
Time:3:00pm - 5:30pm
Venue:KNU, Woodang Building, Room 203
Map: click here

Debate for English Language Learners - The Art of Argumentation

Debate is an excellent activity for language learning because it engages students in a variety of cognitive and linguistic ways. Introducing students to debate not only teaches presentation skills but also builds public speaking confidence, develops critical thinking skills and challenges learners to do more with the English language they have learned. Preparing for debates also encourages team work as members contribute to researching and presenting their arguments. The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate a variety of debating activities that teachers can easily adapt to all levels of English language ability.

Jeroen Root is a Visiting Professor at Kyungpook National University. He completed his MA in TESOL (Hons) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2012 and holds a BCA in Information Systems and Management from Victoria University, Wellington, NZ. His pedagogical philosophy is that teaching does not equal learning! The teacher should aim to engage the learners as a facilitator or coach in order to create the conditions in which students might be able to learn. Essentially, worry less about teaching – enable learning! His professional interests include reading and writing, computer assisted language learning, and assessment as well as reflective practice and teacher development. He is currently the KOTESOL national video editor and webmaster for Daegu-Gyeongbuk chapter.

Members and non-members alike are always welcome to join KOTESOL workshops. Snacks and drinks are provided and this workshop promises to be highly engaging and interactive!