Busan-Gyeongnam Spring Symposium

Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 12:30 to 17:30
Contact Email: 

Location: PNU Campus, 2nd Education Building, building #701 view campus map 

Fee: Members 5,000 won / Non-members 10,000 won

Cultural Awareness in the Language Classroom 

Update:  Full Program (PDF version) attached!

This year Busan-Gyeongnam KOTESOL has decide to use the Spring Symposium to discuss the issue of cultural awareness as it relates to the language classroom.  The Symposium will open with long time KOTESOL member, world citizen, and cultural anthropologist Dr. Steve Garrigues. His presentation is titled "Hot Air on a Cool Day: Cross-Cultural Issues in Semantics for English Teachers in Korea."

The Symposium will also feature Guest speaker Hyunwoo Sun of the popular website Talk to me in Korean.  Hyunwoo Sun will discuss how learning Korean can aid native English teachers with a better cultural and linguistic understanding of their students.

The symposium schedule will also include a a selection of presentations and workshops on topics such as differing cultural views of education.

Check back after April 11th for more info and a full event schedule.

*************Special offer for Non-members, pre-pay by April 16th and get the member rate. Just transfer 5,000 won to KB account # 571501 01 276923 Sarah (Busan KOTESOL) Then email with the transfer date and the name on the account *****************

If you are a member and would like to prepay, please transfer money to the KB account above by April 15th, and email with the transfer date and the name on the account.


Members may register for this event