By Webeditor Elections on November 2, 2020 - 12:54am | Reads | News

At the Korea TESOL Annual Business Meeting, held on November 1, 2020, the results of the 2020 Korea TESOL elections were announced. The elected officers are as follows:
- President ㅡ Bryan Hale
- First Vice-President ㅡ Rhea Metituk
- Second Vice-President ㅡ Lucindra Estrada
- Secretary ㅡ Lisa Macintyre-Park
- Treasurer ㅡ Phillip Schrank
- International Conference Committee Co-chair ㅡ Lindsay Herron
- Nominations and Elections Committee Chair ㅡ Dr. David Shaffer
Following the ABM, a brief National Council meeting was convened for the explicit purpose of approving standing committee chairs for the 2020ㅡ2021 term. The approved chairs are as follows:
- Publications Committee Chair ㅡ Dr. David Shaffer
- Membership Committee Chair ㅡ Lindsay Herron
- Publicity Committee Chair ㅡ Wayne Finley
- Research Committee Chair ㅡ Dr. Mikyoung Lee
- Financial Affairs Committee Chair ㅡ Daniel Jones
- Outreach Committee Chair ㅡ James Rush II