Dr. David E. Shaffer is an early member of Korea TESOL and a long-term resident of Gwangju, where his career has been as a professor on the English Department faculty at Chosun University (1976-2016). He holds a PhD in linguistics (theoretical) but has done much of his more recent research in applied linguistics and SLA, as well as in TESOL, in which he holds graduate certificates. In addition to research, Dr. Shaffer’s writings include books and articles on English teaching and learning as well as on Korean language, culture, and poetry.
Over the years, Dr. Shaffer has served as KOTESOL president (2017-2019), first vice-president (2015-2017), and national treasurer (2001-2009). He has served on a number of national committees and also chaired several, including the Nominations and Elections Committee. At the chapter level, he has served as president (2009-2017) and currently serves as Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter vice-president. He has also been active in numerous other ELT organizations.
Dr. Shaffer has been an executive director of AsiaTEFL as well as a current registered director and former chairman of the board at the Gwangju International Center, where he presently holds the additional position of editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Gwangju News. Complementing his KOTESOL service awards, Dr. Shaffer has been conferred the Republic of Korea’s Order of Merit, an award usually reserved for Korean nationals.
LinkedIn: David E. Shaffer
Academia.edu: David Shaffer