Yongin-Gyeonggido Chapter Workshop
This month's workshop will feature a keynote presentation by Elspeth Teagarden Tanguay-Koo, who just graduated from graduate school at Yonsei University. Her focus will be on multicultural learners, see the abstract below. The rest of our time we will spend networking...Events Yongin-Gyeonggi January 10, 2023
6. Yongin Chapter Graduate Student Representative
Martin Todd Martin has held several positions on the Yongin KOTESOL executive since 2013, including President, 1st and 2nd VP. He was also the National KOTESOL Secretary for two terms. As the Graduate Student Representative, he will help advocate for members...Bio's Yongin-Gyeonggi January 10, 2023
Yongin-Gyeonggido Chapter Meeting
This month, we are going to have a social event for networking and exchanging ideas for the upcoming school year and semester. The event is open to members and non-members. Join this event if you like playing and learning new board games are interested in...Events Yongin-Gyeonggi January 31, 2023